yAHOO.! Ive got the second part of chapter 9. Here ya go minna (I - TopicsExpress


yAHOO.! Ive got the second part of chapter 9. Here ya go minna (I dont own Bleach) The Life in Our Hearts Chapter 9 --In Class A-4 Rangiku was staying quiet in her seat, wary of every single person that entered the classroom. She had practiced what her reflexes would be when a certain silver-haired boy would face her again. Ne, Rangiku-chan, are you okay? Isane asked from beside her. Rangiku smiled brightly. No, its okay. Im fine. Im just troubled by a stalker who wont stop loving me. Nothin I cant handle. Rangiku said cheerfully, even winking at Isane for assurance. Isane quirked a brow, about to say something, but then she stopped mid-way, her eyes quick to grow. What? Rangiku asked. Good mornin, Kotetsu-san. A cold voice said from behind her. It was obivous. Rangiku knew all too well who that voice belonged to. She turned around, and found exactly who she had been waiting for. He was wearing his mask again, so it was difficult to see his eyes. You! Rangiku said accusingly. Me? Gin asked innocently. You still have that habit of sneaking on people. Rangiku said beneath her breath. Do, I? He asked, in a mocking voice. Rangiku glared at him, the tension between them getting even more intense. Gin tilted his, so now it was facing Rangiku. And you still have that habit of pretending everythings okay, even when its not. Gin said, walking closer to her. But deep down.. Gin suddenly placed a hand on Rangikus chest, where her heart was beating at a steady rhythm. ..I know exactly whats going on with you. He whispered to her. Rangiku slapped his hand away, harshly all the while screaming: You friggin pest! Now the entire class was looking at them in bewilderment. No one has ever had the guts to call Mr. Smiley anything to insult him, much less a girl. Youre so strong now. What a relief. Gin said, turning away, about to leave the room. And its incredible youre still wearing it. He added, walking out the classroom. What was he talking about, Rangiku-chan? Isane asked, Rangiku who was now holding a hand against her chest. She squeezed the collar of her uniform, hiding the necklace she was wearing underneath it. Gin! She thought, closing her eyes. --In Class A-2 Nemu and her lab partner Szayel were working on their given activity, busily handling some chemicals. Here. Nemu said, handing Szayel a beaker filled with green liquid. Thanks. Szayel said, retrieving the beaker from her. He gave her a glance from the corner of his eyes, and noticed how stiff she seemed. Are you all right, Nemu? He asked, not looking at her. Nemu glanced his way, surprised why he would even ask. Yes, I am. Nemu replied. You dont sound, or even look it, for that matter. Szayel stated, noting the unusual paleness of her face. No, really. Im fine. Nemu said, turning the other way. In an attempt, to at least get her to be her usual gentle yet happy way, Szayel gave her a nudge on the shoulder. It was only a light nudge, which surprised Szayel when Nemu suddenly fell over, a beaker in her hands. The beaker broke, and several other beakers fell, when Nemu herself fell on the floor. Szayell quickly regretted what he did, and bent down to help her. Whats happened? Ukitake yelled. S-sorry, sir. It was just an accident. Szayel said. The bell rang, and Ukitake quickly dismissed the rest of the class. You two stay here and clean that. He said kindly. Yes, sir. His students said. Szayel got a pair of gloves, and helped Nemu in picking up the small pieces of the beaker. Sorry. I shouldnt have pushed you. I was trying to joke so you would feel better. Szayel reasoned. That is fine. It was my own fault for being so careless. And thank you for your effort. Nemu said, smiling slightly. Szayel almost smiled, had he not notice the scar on Nemus arms. Nemu caught his stare and asked: Whats wrong? Szayel quickly looked away. Nothing. A silence formed, and none of them could say a word. Well.. It seems that were gonna have to start over with our project. Szayel said. Yeah. Nemu replied. Do you want to come over at my house, so we can work on it? Szayyel asked. Nemu smiled. Sure. --In the Gym Nel and the other girls were practicing their volleyball. Although it had been a while since her incident with Nnoitra happened, her head would hurt every now and then, and right now thats exactly what was happening. It was getting harder to concentrate, since her sight was getting blurry. The ball was being hurled at her, and in her effort to jump and hit it, the area around her whirled around, and she fell backward, feeling the pain shoot through her body. NEL! All the girls yelled. Nel couldnt stay conscious, but she noticed a very tall and familiar figure running towards her before she let herself slip away. When she came to, Nel found herself in the clinic. Oh, youre finally awake. A lady by her bed said. Uh. whe- Nel laid back down, feeling her head hurt. Im Dr. Retsu Unohana. Youve been brought here after you collapsed during your volleyball practice, because of your head injury. The woman said, wiping Nels forehead, using a towel. You know you just missed your friend. Unohana said. My friend? Nel asked. Yes. A tall boy with long black hair, came here, carrying you. Asking me to help you. Unohana said, standing up and going to her desk. He brought me here? Nel asked. Unohana nodded. He was sitting there, looking at you worriedly. If I have to say, he looked worse than you. Unohana said, smiling. Nel looked at the chair where Unohana had pointed. Nnoitra had been there, looking at me? Nel thought, feeling herself shiver at how close Nnoitra had been. No need to rush into things. You rest all you need until you get better. Unohana said. Okay. Nel nodded and laid back down, a light blush on her face, due to her thoughts of Nnoitra. --In Class A-1 The day had gone on incredibly fast, but Orihime was thankful for that, because she was excited to be able to join the Handicrafts club. Uryu had introduced her to all of the members and they all greeted her warmly. They spent the entire afternoon, embroidering, and knitting. Uryu taught her really nice techniques. If she suspected it even for a minute, she couldve sworn he was trying to impress her. But his company livened up her day all the same. The time passed, and by and by the rest of the members left, and only Orihime and Uryu were left. Ne, Inoue-san. Uryu suddenly said, not looking up from his embroidery. What is it, Ishida-kun? Orihime asked back, looking at her new bespectacled friend. How is your stay going here, in Karakura High? Uryu asked. Orihime gave it some thought, and finally she said: Heh! Im enjoying it. Uryu seemed surprised by her answer. He was hoping to hear her complain about the delinqunets in their school, especially about Ulquiorra. You must really love this school then, Ishida-kun? Orihime asked. Uhm, yeah. I guess you could say that. Uryu said, avoiding Orihimes eyes. Its great to spend school days like this, even when they can be tiring. Orihime rambled on and on, and slolwy a certain memory caused her to stand. Oh my gosh! Orihime practically yelled. Whats wrong, Inoue-san? Uryu asked. Orihime quickly collected her things and rushed out of the classroom. Gomen, Ishida-kun! She yelled, rushing out to the hallway. As she ran she couldnt help but admit how stupid she was. How could she have forgotten? She and Ulquiorra were supposed to work on their project together!!! Orihime quickly got out to the school yard. She looked around, but unfortunately found no one. Out in the streets, Ulquiorra was making his way home, after realizing that his and Orihimes plan on continuing their project was canceled. He let out a sigh. Not that he could blame her. Besides, she was probably enjoying her time in the Handicrafts Club with Ishida. That made Ulquiorra sigh once again, this time out of frustration. The thought of the two of them together, was something that he just couldnt stomach. He wondered then, how that orange-haired girl could manipulate him so easily. Ulquiorra clenched his fists in his pockets. Maybe I should stay away from her. Ulquiorra thought to himself, unconsciously looking up the sky, which was now a beautiful orange. His emerald eyes narrowed down to slits, as he continued to walk along the sidewalk. Yes. I should stay away from her. He said quietly, a hand reaching for the left side of his chest, where the key to his secret, lay. For both of our sake. He said, and disappeared among the crowds of the street, the image of Orihime, still flooding his mind. Well it would seem that the secrets are starting to unravel. Might find out in next chappie. Oh. Inoue-san stood Ulquiorra up for Uryu. How cruel. HEHEHEHE. Stay tuned, minna -Shirobara
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 02:18:20 +0000

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