yeaaaahhhh right now i was working as a census taker for NIelsEN - TopicsExpress


yeaaaahhhh right now i was working as a census taker for NIelsEN company.. my daily work make a survey for provision,coffe shop,rest and etc....this job actually good for me because i can meet many people mostly chinese because the are majority as a businessman or woman in malaysia...hahhh stop speaking...hampa nk taw x aku buat survey kt kedai india tadi....INDIA....nama dia krishnan....ramai melayu lepak kedai dia....aku pon xkesah la melayu lepak kedai india...time tgh smbg ngn tokey dia aku bercerita tentang PORK di kedai cina...and he was answered me ya you taw la cina ramai menniaga benda XHALAL semua tuu melayu xmsuk...tgok kedai saya..yeah aku tegok pekerja dia pown pakai glove time nak marinated ayam goreng....INDIA tu bai tAW PSL HALAL HARAM BERBANDING MELAYU Y G MAKAN KAT KEDAI HARAM NAMPAK HALAL #tgifridaystarbuckdomewesternfood....mohon terasa....
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 13:41:59 +0000

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