yeah heres whats on my mind, A big F U to all you liberals/ - TopicsExpress


yeah heres whats on my mind, A big F U to all you liberals/ democrats/socialist. Because of you ass....s my insurance just went from 175 a month to $609! I dont even make 40k a year before taxes and expenses, How will this help me and my daughter? it wont, it hurts us! This is what gov does you blind idiots, no efficiency, no common sense, and no help... except to those non producing inner city trash and wanna bes who suck off the gov anyway or those who have enough money they feel ok telling others how to live. It makes us all slaves to the state! All of my rants have been about the philosophy of freedom and the hypocritical abuses of liberals but now its personal because you hurt me and mine. You regulate away efficiency and common sense while limiting our freedom to decide for ourselves but not only that you pass laws to force us accept what you deem right. You are the real bigots and racist as you condemn us for free enterprise, Christianity, and those dead white men who gave us a free country and made it the greatest. While judging us you accept and promote any other religion, economic system, and abnormal behavior, none of which work as well as ours. You want to ban guns but dont hold the IRS , the AG, the justice dept accountable for bullying, spying, censorship, or any other acts of tryanny...which is why there is a second amendment. ( BTW howd that gun control work in all the big lib led cities) You give them unlimited power. You get ambassadors killed but dont hold the muslims accountable for it. You take our money in taxes at the point of a gun and tell us to be happy with charity to those things we dont believe in. You reduce our soldiers benefits while discussing raises for bureaucrats and burger flippers. You leave the border open to flood the work place with cheap labor while saying you wanna help americans get the limited jobs. You say we need to sacrifice while you give away billions of barrowed $ (from enemies) to others or yourself. Spend billions on non functioning green energy while limiting our production then buying energy from our enemies. I cant even name them all there are so many contradictions. its just illogical. You call us racist and bigots or cavemen if we think we should be able to make our own decisions regarding our own future, fortunes, and beliefs. In fact you are the judgmental hypocrites who think its ok to tell us how to live and what to accept! Furthermore you pass laws forcing us! Then attack us if we dont goose step in line with your political correctness, I could names here, local (Christopher, Aeron) and national (Obamass reid pelosi), but youre all the same! Even if you dont believe in it all you support those that do by voting for the socialist dems. Ive heard all the excuses and so-called reasons for it but its all just mental masturbation. the greater good while stepping on the individual.... blah blah... illogical, twisted, and un-natural theories telling us why its better someone else make our decisions thus reliaving us of a little more freedom one step at a time. Just ass backwards. You dont help the working man, you hurt them! You help the totalitarians, just like Stalin and hitler who were two sides of the same coin. The communist couldnt beat us militarily but they have subversively by brainwashing the weak minded professors who brain wash our youth. You are a bunch of elitist Orwellian pigs (look it up if you dont understand the reference). It is personal, and compromise is not an option because that just means smaller steps to making us all sheep! It seems revolution is the only answer to restore freedom and stop tyrants, the brainwashed useless idiots wont. I may not be around to see it but its coming, americans will only tolerate so much. F U liberals! try telling me to my face how to live! oh but thats why you pass laws right, to have someone else do it. yeah Im pissed!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 20:49:31 +0000

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