yeah were in a world of trouble the way the police can be viewed - TopicsExpress


yeah were in a world of trouble the way the police can be viewed as the enemy and also how the police view everybody as a possible enemy too. Had a very interesting confrontation today with a security guard and then a police man. I was acutely awake to the fact that he could just arrest me right there for saying I was not happy with what was taking place. I realized me asking for him to give me a ticket versus writing my name down on his hand instead of giving me a ticket was or could have been cause for him to get aggressive. When he said I could give you a ticket but im not but be more careful how you park next time and I told him why I parked that way due to the other car and the way it was parked caused me to slant the car a bit. He then said well I believe you and I could give you a ticket but I am just giving you a warning. And then he asked Can I have your name please and I said my name and he wrote it down on his hand..... and then he said date of birth and I said you know im not feeling to confidant with this right now and I would like you to give me the ticket and he said no just give me your birth date and address so I can just run things through and I said I would like you to give me a ticket and he said mam have a good day its just a warning and then walked to the front of the car and took down the license number. I then walked into the store and had the manager called which is really unlike me but what the security guard had instigated was really not good. I realize that there are those who agitate the police because the police also agitate them and others. And then we have officers who think they are the law themselves when they are actually to serve and protect, they are not the law, they are supposed to enforce it. Well, that word enforce it is not really such a good word. Not a good word. We got a real problem here in America and we have needs to take these things in hand. Its not right to allow the degradation of our society to continue in ways that honor the authorities and the way they use the law to their own interest and yet arrest others for standing up to the what has been made legal in our own names against our own interests of community health. Not good.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 03:23:51 +0000

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