yesterday in the news a church building collapse in Benin killed - TopicsExpress


yesterday in the news a church building collapse in Benin killed 3 and injured five. another object of ridicule. GOD SAVE HIS CHURCH! we must continue to pray... Dear Father, I pray for your church in Nigeria. I pray that the walls of denomination be broken down. I pray for passion for Your Kingdom, passion for the lost and passion for prayer. i pray for courage to declare your Word and live righteously from little corners to mountain top places. I curse apostasy and ask that your mercy overrules judgement. i pray that you empower your church with wealth, prosperity and influence in all spheres of our national life and cause your people to channel your wealth for the Glory of Our Kingdom. Save your church from ridicule and shame and empower your church leaders with greater grace, wisdom and anointing; bless them, bless their families and shield them from shame and ridicule. let there be a fresh outpour of your Spirit that shall cause your people, laity and clergy, to be committed to You, Your Kingdom, and Your Will for Nigeria as never before. let Your church arise in victory and #SaveNigeria through your church. In the precious Name of Jesus
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 10:11:18 +0000

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