yet in all the huff, above it al. there is one shining note to be - TopicsExpress


yet in all the huff, above it al. there is one shining note to be glad, an those of us still left to sing of Christmas ;omh ago, when injun Scouts still plowed a trail through deserts fraught with toil. The Coming of the Darkness , dressed in a light like Christ , and the sober measures weighing heavily upon our mortal cloth. How carry us through tempest ,lost at sea too long , we stil abide in hearts of strong reliant young. Abolishing the Templar Host of Mormon calumny.. relinquishing the devils brand into a timid sea. where rust dispel that vile wasp of memory aged n worn, and story tells of infant hopes fro Christmas long ago. all many were we tosed n scattered , n slander our reward , but to see refuted the arrogant Host of foreign Empires shore. Were Injun . simple n true, no more than less or none, equal in our common bonds to river n Mighty Sun. and by chance of promised Lands concern, to name the Rising Sun, Sweet Geezis, n his reckless crew of wild an dangerous ones. so Merry Fookin Christmas one n all, let not the devil decieve, but for faith alone recall the likes of truth within you and believe. tis more than fate nor destiny but wil that does abide. to see the changing of the guard n rising of the tide. Dont make for oursself Kings to emulate in follies scornful vows, well live n die as human being By Christ n Cracky now. God rest ye merry gentlefolk and nothing may dismay , remember Christ our savior was born on Christmas day to save us all from ourself when fate dealt bitter hands, n proclaim sweet liberty throughout our blessed lands. You aint never met a motherfooker quite like me , n doubt you ever wiill for i am not but fairy dust n starshine on the spill. the truth be told of gallantry best served on tsilver screens where foe felon walk along the victory parade accompany by the heroinnes n bold impassion louts , to press the shows closing bow , an rush off to get laid, in silent arms without regret . Smile you sad sacks. Its Christmas Tiem again,. and as usual Miss Phelps fook em if they caint take a joke!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:57:23 +0000

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