yogendran: July 17, 2013 at 10:17 pm (Quote) PARTY AGAINST - TopicsExpress


yogendran: July 17, 2013 at 10:17 pm (Quote) PARTY AGAINST PEOPLE: With no disrespect to the victims and their loved ones, this is the common talk among many voters. It is known that police officers of scholar level have the crem and the pie. The rank & file is a struugle. Could the horrific crime be avoided if only the police lend a closer lending ear of attention and sympathy to their own rank and file officers!! =============================== Recent Death of Army senior non-comm officer by alleged suicide. Has the SAF failed agian as they have in the past? ============================================== While Minsiters and PAP mps are paid on above market rate salaries, the workers in their Ministries struugle as in SPF and SAF. It is time for the PAP to be out and replaced by politicians less greedy for money tahn PAP. iskandar is a victim of circumstances ‘created’ by the PAP pigs just like the poor ‘first skool’ kindergarten teacher. the finger-pointing shld be directed at the PAP mps and their self-serving greed. high salaries for PAP big-wigs will help prevention of crimes and corruption, my foot ! see how the low-salaried ones are affected when they try to make ends meet. remember the case of most crimes today in Japan are committed by older seniro citizens japanese as reported in the media today? will holding back young and senior citizens lead to more crimes in singapore soon? you bet they will. remember, cpf is our money – not PAP’s. our money is not for the PAP to ‘play’ with to create more wealth for them not surprisingly then, when young people talk abt ns, part of their stress come from having not sufficient cash because their parents cpf are ‘trapped’ by PAP and cannot some of these young people to release their own stress of a very competitive singapore today. ever wonder why ns men have no heart to defend singapore any more besides thinking of losing to FTs in their struggle for a decent live and cost of living. want to know how many young people are caught in co-supporting their families in one way or another? unless addressed urgently, this cash issue may be the very germ that will blow up into a not-too-distant ‘revolution against the PAP govt in time. by then, it’s to each his own. by then, singapore is history.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 10:10:22 +0000

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