you can but YOU MUST NOT written by: loida f. san diego Religion - TopicsExpress


you can but YOU MUST NOT written by: loida f. san diego Religion and science agreed that man came after the creation of nature. Nature by design is meant to sustain life. From here we can assume that nature is good because it supports life. The fact that in the absence of light there is darkness, the truth that the Earth is not the center of the universe, and the Earth is not round are truths that are in effect even before we conceived that these are general truths. From here we can say that truth is not to be created by man but rather sought and is accepted. We cannot create something that existed ahead of us. Man who is able to “create” truth is more of “corrupting” reality. Altering truth and nature are both wrong for truth has been here even before we knew it. Because truth is the configuration of the universe that lead to our existence and nature by its default design is the perfect support of life. The truth will set us free… for no imaginary key can unlock even the simplest lock. A key is meant for locks. A key inserted through another key will not open a lock, likewise a lock to another lock. This is the truth. Man won’t go anywhere unless he accepts truth instead of creating it. Changing all seawater to fire… Do I even need to explain how nature can harm us if we ever changed it?
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 07:49:57 +0000

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