you ever sit down and read over all your old messages and come to - TopicsExpress


you ever sit down and read over all your old messages and come to a conclusion that you where wrong this hole time and you could of prevented everything but yet you just continued to be a asshole then finaly see the out come of who you really are well this guy did and all tell you ive bean wrong on certain thing i wish i could go back and dramatically change the way i was yet it done it over and you sit here realizing that life was great i hade everything but im the one who blew up shit out of proportion more time then her know why is that maybe the fact that i cheated on her once and finaly realised that i really did love her and that i should of never cheated yet i digress how was suppose to know the out come was gona be that bad yeah ok so she was not perfect her self yeah shit hapend in the pass an i though i could just forget it fast truth is you hurt me that night and i wanted revenge ok 4month later i had it yet look where it got us know u and i are not side by side like de keyboard and if it is god plans then so be it sence im not really miserable incompetent frome time to time yet still capable of seing what i hade and now have and to my life in the future i know it gona be great time is every thing and time seam too be the key it gonna be a virtue i got to learn i needed help back then and i push the peple i loved the most far away because i though i was not wrong on anny circumstance witch turn out to be wrong i did have a lot of problem and im wrocking hard it the only way i can prove that im not that ugly person i was and that i was the good looking great guy you first feel in love with yet only time will tell
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 07:41:00 +0000

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