you know... Im gonna say a little something. For years, I have - TopicsExpress


you know... Im gonna say a little something. For years, I have ignored my impulses, only to have people call me weak, for years, I have stopped myself from letting anger out.. instead, I have always turned against myself... and for years, I have treated those who angered me with patience and care. I help people when they need it, have given everything I could.. I have done everything asked of me and more. I just couldnt keep up with it. I saw myself slip behind... watched as my grades suffered, and my enthusiasm fade. I have been alone in a world full of people exactly the same as everyone else, but me. All of you are empty faces, always needing something, often something I simply cant give. I have sacrificed my own comfort both for people I loved and people I didnt, and not only has everyone simply asked more of me, but I also am ignored when I try to show peace as an alternative. You all hold yourselves back. All of your problems are your own, and your faults. I try and I try to help people fix them, but they never listen. They never try. My way is ignored for the way of pride and arrogance. My way is ignored for the way of dominance and hate. My way is ignored for the way of bigotry and prejudice. My way is peace. My way is love. My way is forgiveness. My way is choosing not to hate or hurt anyone. My way is superior, more intelligent, and more sane. My way is modeled after men of power, of men of peace, of men of love and mercy. My way. Gandhis way. Martin Luther King Jrs way. Nelson Mandelas was. Jesus way. Gods way. I may sound like a religious nut, but stop and think for a moment. Was any real freedom or peace ever gained by war? How long did the end of the War for American Independence bring either? none at all, save for rich white men. There were slaves for nearly a hundred years after that war began. How long did the prosperity brought from WWI last? less than a decade, the Great Depression stomped that out by 29. How long did the peace last from the same war? not even a generation. WWII began in 39, the bloodiest war that ever happened, leaving millions dead, and even more wounded. Did peace come from that? nope. The Cold war replaced peace with an air of hate. Communist vs. Capitalist. North Korean vs. South Korean. There were Civil Wars everywhere in those days. Did peace last long after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Fall of Russian Capitalism? no. The war on Terror took that place, now people are displaced all over the Middle East and people are indoctrinated in America that we helped by bringing democracy, currently, Iraq is suffering in the attempt to form democracy amidst a large portion of people that dont want it. War is disgusting, it leaves people dead, displaced, and alone. It creates orphans and widows. I understand the need for a feeling of safety, but wouldnt that be much easier if no one wanted to fight? Lets look at fact. Iraq was not our enemy, nor was Iran or any other Middle Eastern nation, it was a very small group of thugs, extremists of one branch of the Muslim faith. They were no bigger and no more powerful than the KKK in America, the only difference was that the KKK wouldnt attack American soil the way that Al Qaeda attacked us. Religion and war do not walk hand in hand, as some have been taught, no, religion specifically speaks against war, except for a few.... tests in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament, in the Gospels, Christ states this irrefutable fact. Those who live by the sword, die by the sword. He spoke this to Saint Paul after he was arrested for false charges of blaspheme against God. He was given an unfair trial, at night, which was against Jewish Law, specifically, Mosaic Law. The concept that walks hand in hand with war is selfishness. The leader(s) of a nation take the fear of a nation and turn it into hatred. After the bombings, did we ask Al Qaeda why they attacked, what they wanted, or how we could walk in peace with them? no. The Muslim Koran was written by divine hand. No I am not a Muslim, I am a Christian. For any Muslim that reads this, I do believe in the last day. I do believe. The Koran states, (and pardon me for translating it to English, Muslim brothers) Whether you look to the East, or to the West, you will see Gods (Allahs) face It also states many times and many ways that those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans [before Prophet Muhammad] - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve. (once again, pardon me, Muslim brothers) Seeing as how all Christians, having the book of Revelation, and believeing in the almighty YHWH, the true God, which is also Allah (which simply translates into the God for those who doubt it) do believe in the last day, and Allah, meaning that the Muslims if shown that we truly believe in both (which our selfishness and greed say we do not). Furthermore, messianic Jews also believe in the Revelation, and in Allah, so the Muslims should have no quarrel with them either... except... Jews, in a broad sense, feel some anger and distrust towards the world, based on the actions taken against them by Christians (Nazis were Christians, and the Catholic Church aided the Nazis) in WWII. This whole mess is set by prejudice, hatred, and selfishness. This is not the way taught in the Torah, Bible, or Koran. The way, as Christ explained, was the way of love. Please, and I beg of you, not for the last time, or even the thousandth from last time, wake up, and get back to the way, so that we can put an end to the hatred for whatever little time we have before the Last Day and the end of time. Follow the way set forth by hundreds of Martyrs, from Abel to Martin Luther King Jr. Follow the way of love. I started this by venting, and I cant help but give credit to God, who put love into my heart, and helped me to turn this into a call to help, rather than a desperate plea for understanding. I thank God, Allah, YHWH for all that he has done and will continue to do.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 22:29:28 +0000

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