you know i seen a few posts on here at diff stages over da past - TopicsExpress


you know i seen a few posts on here at diff stages over da past couply months askin wen our whanau gona sort shiit out in regards ta Nanaz unveilin an shiit an ta be str8up dis is bullshiit,, why da fuc are we waitin so long ta sort sumfing out peeps,, are yall hopin da other ones are gona step up an putea dat shiit or wat cos from wat i have read dere aiint fuc all of us doin jak,, you fullas are so fuccin quik ta jump on board wen it comes ta free food or a fuccin piss up but chu aiint even step up wen important shiit is needed,, aunty CRebecca Gemmell wat TweetzForeveer King said is right u an aunty Teresa Nepe an ma mummy Riverena King are older dere fore should be takin da lead on dis,, as for da rest of us aiint leave it up to ma sister Crystal King ta make moves on our behalf Abe Nepe an Woh-Woh Lyn Rope need ta step up an seek Mona King out so da elders of our cuzinz can hatch a plan,, its over for dis talk of bein as one an whanau whanau tatou tatou bullshiit wen we act like strangers,, an aiint act like yall aiint fuccin read either or ya gone mute,, dstep up an get shiit workin for our Nanny Emily King an our sister Jacqui Nepe,, tag dose dat iv missed so dis shiit getts out dere,, nuff said,, aiint act da phool either,,
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 10:26:44 +0000

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