you know somethin, we live in AMERICA, why should we take GOD - TopicsExpress


you know somethin, we live in AMERICA, why should we take GOD outta the pledge and PRAYER outta schools just because of a buncha nonbelieveing foreigners?? why cant we ship em out back to where they came from? its stupid we have to change our way of life for some dang foreigner and their beliefs. last time i looked we believed in GOD and we said a PRAYER at out meals for our familes and loved ones. now we cant or we get in trouble because we have offended some muslimic jihadist praising allah and muahmmad, UGH.........THIS IS AMERICA, LAND OF THE FREE, BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE, and we dont live on sanddunes running amuck on camels. THIS IS A FREE COUNTRY, but its goin straight to hades and we all know it, its because we have allowed foreigeners to come over here and change everything we know and do it differently to please them. it would be nice to have someone elected in office that is honest,(which will never happen), to starighten this country out and make it place to live decently, hang those that kill rape and mame others, and deport every single foreigner in this country. that way we can get back to where we were and not have to worry about offending some dang foreigener. have a good evenin yall!!!!! see yall around soon!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 22:38:42 +0000

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