you know this is for every family in the dam world if you have - TopicsExpress


you know this is for every family in the dam world if you have not seen some one in your family for some years dont make it your buzz to say shit about them thats not true, alot a family chase family a way some family stil other family kids form them and make the shit legol but for you that has been a way and maid it and did not have to ask your family for shit you go boy r girl and for you that did have to ask and got talk about done wrong im hear to tell you god got you even when you think he dont so you keep loveing your self and keep doing good and keep trying no matter what hell i did. yea im have some truble with my kids but i did not ask no one for shit i have to day i did this and let family back in my life cuzz i wanted to let them back in you feel me. dot i love you so much thanks uncl
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 21:57:49 +0000

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