you know what? i could start , and lead a revolution , a few - TopicsExpress


you know what? i could start , and lead a revolution , a few people changed our freedoms as we know it , with only paper , a feather , and ink. one person freed the slaves , with just a few words . just think about how powerful that we are , as only humans. with a few rhythms , we could run a marathon. one man tightrope walked across the GRAND CANYON.we could change the world , by discovery , and improvisation. we think as humans , we are so weak , but think of all that we have done! think of how far we have come! one man went to the moon and back!!one man lead the blacks to equality , by standing up and speaking!words are powerful just spoken from our mouths! we perform surgery , and cheat death daily!we have come to such technological advances , that we have a t.v. that talks to you , and has emotion! we have come from a stick and stone , to vast buildings , and successful enterprises!!!! we have explored different galaxies , and explored a black hole!!!! you wanna know why we are that strong , and innovative? because of faith. god says "all things are possible through christ." and you know what? he is right. we would never even be at the 21st century , if it were not for god , and faith. so just think for a minute , if you were to pray to god and thank him , every day , then think of how much farther we would get? he deserve more than we could give back. he went through pain and suffering for you. and yet , you just sit there , and think , "i can be successful without god!" no. he got you where you are right now. he has given me the wonderful gift of a voice , and it will be heard! he has given you a voice for a reason , and i am thankful!! i am all for speaking up , and i thank god for letting me be able to spread his word! thank you for listening , now go , and be awesome! through god! amen.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 02:28:27 +0000

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