you know what i find out.... it is better to embrace the truth - TopicsExpress


you know what i find out.... it is better to embrace the truth then it is to sup up a lie. The blessing of the lord maketh rich and added no sorrow. sometime what we call happiness is in essence the same as that issurance commercial., with the fisherman with the fishing pole with the dollar at the end of it, enticing you with the dollar, put pulling it back from you, telling you gotta be quicker than that. (if you want to get the dollar) well that how kounterfit happiness is. That how sin supped is. its start off as a pretty imagination empowered by your wontness and a negative spiritual influences. It could be that job that require you to lie scheme n manipulate. Or could be that desire to engage in that manogamis relations with someone thats not god sent. Or it could be a desire to lie to get that promotion. Or it could be that lie that came to your mind if u eat from the tree of good n evil you would be just as wise n insightful as the almighty god. you see that glitter as gold. you see that deception as enlightment. You see that miszery as peace, you see that lie as truth. and you see that evil as good. And why because we get it from the wrong source. why because we chase what we think is right. we follow that blind ambition. we follow the weakness of our humanity. we get capitivated by what we want. oppose to what is right, truth honest, n just. we follow our on mind. and follow our on mind come along with that wrong source, that dark force, to empower us to carry out that wrong decision. EVEN WHEN IT FEEL RIGHT EVEN WHEN IT SEEM JUSTFYING. point of the matter its wrong. n its unjustfyible. N the outcome of these actions r unrewarding. it robs you of your crediblity. your mental security. it denouces your spiritual stature. It condems you at heart. why because there a way that seemeth right to a man but the beganing and the end thereof is death. So that job you so wickedly lie to decieve manuvur to get in , u loose it, loose the respect of your colleage. that woman that u strive wickedly to be wit she betray u. that fruit u ate u ate you began to die slowly, your vex wit the trial of life
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 19:27:24 +0000

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