you need to read is a revelation time..............Chapter Six – - TopicsExpress


you need to read is a revelation time..............Chapter Six – Imam al-Mahdi (as) and the Ulema of Ahle Sunnah This Nasibi and his like minded friends think that Imam Al-Askari (as) had no children. According to them the Shia have made up this story to keep their belief in Imamate alive. This is a preposterous notion. Even the scholars of Ahle Sunnah are convinced of this fact. This is why Maulana Abdul Aziz Farharadi debating about this topic writes: The fourth belief (About Imam al-Mahdi (as)) is espoused by numerous scholars of the Ahle Sunnah who are convinced that he (as) is alive. Sheikh Abdul Wahab Sheikh Sharani said that Imam al-Mahdi (as) was born on 15th Shaban, 255 Hijri, and is still alive, and would reappear together with Prophet Isa (as). I was also told by Sheikh Iraqi that he met Imam al-Mahdi (as). Al-Nabaras Sharah Sharah Al-Aqaid, page 524 by Imam Abdulaziz bin Ahmed bin Hamid al-Fareharwi (d. 1239 H) Anti-Shia scholar Maulana Nuruddeen Abdul Rahman Jaami states says whilst writing on Imam Mahdi (as): “He is the 12th Imam and is known by the titles “Abu Qasim” “Al Hujjut” (The Proof), “Al Qaim” (The Standing”, “Al Mahdi” (The Guide), “Al Muntazir” (The awaited) and “Sahib az Zaman” (Honor of our time)…people are of the opinion he entered a cave in Sarman Rai his followers still await his coming this happened in 265 Hijri some say 270 Hijri….” Shawahid Nabuwat, page 198 Allamah Hafiz al-Fawaris in his Arbaeen page 367 [Printed Egypt], which has 40 hadith in praise of Ahl ul bayt, discussed under the chapter “On hadith in praise of Ahle bayt” that: ”It has been narrated by Ahmad bin Nakat Basree who states at the end that Rasulullah (s) said whoever wants to be counted amongst the people of excellence and meet Allah (swt) should be friends with al Askari, who has perfect Iman should attach himself to his son Imam Mahdi whoever follows him shall be successful” Hafiz Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Mahmud Bukhari Hanafi, also know as Khawaja Parsa said: Allama, in his book titled “Fasal-al Khitab”, referring to Jafar son of Imam Ali Al-Naqi (as), brother of Imam Hasan Al-Askari (as) writes that, “Muhammad-bin-Al Hasan (as) is from the children of Imam Hasan Al-Askari (as), who is well known amongst the historians. After writing that, he writes about the conditions during which Imam Muhammad -bin-Al Hasan (as) was born, after which he debates the weak claim by Ibn-Masaoud that al-Mahdi’s (as) father would have the same name as Prophet Muhammad (s) father. Continuing in his book, he discusses the traditions by Mutamid Abbasid, which were noted down by Mullah Jami and which talked about the signs of the arrival of Imam al-Mahdi (as), towards the end of which he states that there are numerous traditions enforcing this belief, he says, “traditions to prove the existence of Imam al-Mahdi (as) are numerous, he would bring back the shariah of Prophet Muhammad (s), he would fight in the name of Allah (swt), would free the people from the bounds of tyranny and oppression, and would remove the filth from people, and also says that he, Muhammad -bin-Al-Hasan Al Mehidi (as), would be the last pillar of Immate and Caliphate. He became the Imam after the demise of his father (as), and would be one till Judgement Day. Prophet Isa (as) would offer his prayers behind him, endorsing his imamate, and he (as) would call to the shariah of Prophet Muhammad (s). Fasal-al khitab Sheikh Khawaja Mohammed Parsa Naqashbandi stated: Abu Mohammed Al-Hasan Al-Askari (as) is from Ahle bayt (as). He (as) died on 6th of Rabi-ul-Awal 260 Hijri, which was a Friday, and was buried next to his father (as). He (as) lived for six years after the demise of his father (as), and he left behind only one son, Abu Al-Qasim Mohammed (as), who is the awaited savior. The awaited savior (as) was born on 15 Shaban, 255 Hijri, and his (as) mother’s name was Narjis (R.A). When he (as) was five years old, his father Imam Al-Hasan Al-Askari (as) passed away. Fasal-al khitab, page 443 (Published in Tasqant1107) Sheikh Khawaja Mohammed Parsa Naqashbandi also narrated: Syeda Hakima (R.A) bint Abu-Jafar Muhammad -bin-Jawad (as), who was the aunt of Imam Hasan AlAskari (as), said that, “On 15 Shaban 255 Hijri I was at the house of Imam Hasan Al Askari and he (as) asked me to stay at their home. At the time of Fajar prayers, I saw Narjis (R.A) in an impatient state and I saw a new born baby who was very clean. Imam Hasan Al Askari (as) raised him in his arms and recited Adhan in his right ear and Aqamah in his left ear, after which he said to me, “Aunt, this new born is the awaited savior”. Fasal-al khitab, pages 448-449 (Published in Tasqant1107) Imam of Ahle Sunnah Sheikh Yousaf bin Ismael Nibhani says: Muhammad Parsa is a bukhari; he is the Imam of Naqashband order and is a reliable historians. Another notable thing about him is that once Sheikh Imam Muhammad bin Shams-ud-Din came to Samarqand to give the degrees for Qirat (recitation) and historians. Some jealous person told him that Sheikh Mohammed Parsa relates traditions which cannot be verified, so if you would correct him, it would be an act of reward. Sheikh Muhammad asked the king to invite Sheikh Parsa, and once he arrived, a big convention was organized, which included the biggest scholars of that time, including Sheikh-ul-Islam Sheikh Asaham-ud-Din, and they asked Sheikh Parsa about a specific hadith. Sheikh Parsa replied back with the chain of narrators of that specific hadith, to which Imam Jazri replied by saying that there is no doubt about the authenticity of the hadith, but the chain of narrators are not reliable, which made the enemies of Sheikh Parsa very happy. He replied back with a different chain or narrators, but got the same reply back, which made him realize that no matter what chain of narrators he presented, it would remain unacceptable to Jazri. So he turned towards Mullah Asaham and said, “So and so narrators are reliable to you and their narrations are acceptable to you”, to which Mullah Asaham replied, “Yes, these are considered reliable according to historians, and if your chain of narrators are from their books, they would be acceptable”. Sheikh Parsa replied, “this narration is in so and so Bookstore, which belongs to you, which is at so and so place, and it is in so and so book, and the book’s is so and so many pages long and the cover of the book is in such and such color, and this particular hadith is on such and such page. Mullah Asaham was not sure if the motioned bookstore had the mentioned book, so the book was brought and the chain of narration was present in that book, every one was amazed by the accuracy, especially Mullah Asaham, for Sheikh Parsa had never been to his home and had never seen his books. When this news reached the king, he was very ashamed on the treatment he had subjected the sheikh to. Sheikh Parsa died in 822 Hijri at Madina, and was laid to rest near the grave of Abbas (R.A) in Janat-ul-Baqih. Jamal-ul-Awaliya, Page 151-152, Publishers Thana Bhum India. The real name of the above mentioned book is “Lamah Alamat-ul-Awaliya), the Urdu translation of the book was done by Imam Ahl-e-Sunnah Allama Shah Muhammad Ashraf Ali Thanvi, who was a scholar of the Deoband order. Al-Sheikh Al-Arif Imam Abdul Wahab bin Ahmed bin Ali Sherani stated: “Allama in his book titled “Mustahab AlYawaqiat Wa AlJawahir fi Aqaid” says, “The condition for Qiyamah include the reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi (as), appearance of Dajjal, sudden appearance of many new diseases, sunset from the west, disappearance of Quran, appearance and victory of Gog and Magog.” After this he says, “These events would occur… and that is the time when Imam Mahdis (as) reappearance is expected, who is the son of Imam Hasan AlAskari (as), and was born on 15th Shaban, 255 hijri and is still alive, and would end up meeting Isa-ibn-Maryam (as). At present, he is 706 years old.” Al-Yawaqit Wal Jawahir, (2nd Edition, Page 127 In his another book, Al-Sherani said: In Kitab Al Waqih IlAnoar Fi Tabqat Al Sadat AlaKhiyar, towards the end, which he titled as AlWaqih IlAnoar AlQudsiah Fi Munaqib AlUlema AlSufia, he wrote, Sheikh Hasan Iraqi, who is buried at Egypt, lived a long life of one hundred and thirty years. I and my mentor Aqa Abu AlAbbas Hoshi once went to meet him. He said, should I narrate a hadith to you which would make you recognize me, as to what I was and what I am? We said, why not, please narrate. He said, I was a young a man and ………… One day I realized that am I really made for these things. That same evening, when I entered the Banu Umayyad mosque, I saw an old man sitting on a chair and talking about Imam al-Mahdi (as). Hearing that, my heart was full of love for the Imam), and since then I started praying that may Allah (swt) grant me the opportunity to meet the Imam. For one year, I kept praying and worshiping, and after one year, one day I was worshiping at the same mosque, following the evening prayer an old man entered the mosque. He was wearing a …. And a white turban. He put his hand on my shoulder and asked, why do you want to meet me? I asked, who are you? He replied, I am al-Mahdi, whom you wanted to meet. I kissed his holy hand and asked him to come to my house. He replied, there shouldn’t be anyone else over there. I cleared my housem and he stayed with me for a week, during which he taught me a lot of things. He ordered me to fast one day and eat the next day, and to offer five hundred rakahs of salat every night, until sleep overtakes me, and forces me to sleep, it is only then that I should sleep. After that he decided to leave and told me that there is no need for me to go to anyone else for learning, for all others are lesser in status than him. He said that whatever he had taught me was enough and there was no need to go to any one else. I replied that I would fulfill your order. And after that, I remained in the same state for a few years. And at that time, i-e 706 Hijri, his age was be 704 years. Tabwat Kubra- AlWaqih IlAnoar Fi Tabqat AlaKhiyar, Volume 2, page 139, Published Egypt) Imam Ahle Sunnah Husain Diyar Bakri’s says: Imam Muhammad ibn Hasan ibn Ali ibn Mohammed Ibn Ali (Peace be upon them all) is the twelfth Imam. Abu AlQasim is his title, and according to the 12er Shias, his titles also include Al-Qa’im, Al-Mehdi, Al-Muntazir and Sahib-ul-Asr Wa Az Zaman, and according to them, he is the last and twelfth Imam. Also, they believe that he (as) entered a cave, at Sarman Rai, in front of his mother, and never came back out again. This incidence happened in 265 or 266 Hijri, and this incidence is true, His (as) mother’s name is Um-e-Walad and is also associated with the names Saqil, Sausan and Narjis and many more. He (as) was born at Sarman Rai on 23rd Ramadan, 258 Hijri, and according to Jamah AlAsool, describing the condition for Qiyamah, its written that Prophet Muhammad (s) said that if it’s the last day before Qiyamah, then Allah (swt) would prolong it so that a man, who would be from my relatives, or from my Ahle bayt (as). He would have the same name as me, and his father’s name would be the same as my father’s name. He would fill the earth with justice, like it was full of injustice before his arrival. According to another tradition, it is said that, the world would not come to an end until the arrival of a man from my Ahle Bayt (as), who would have the same name as mine, and would become the ruler of Arabia. Abu Dawood has mentioned this in Mustakhruj. According to Fatohat Makiyah, he (as) would have 360 men with him, and would be the Caliph of Prophet Muhammad (s), and would be from the family of Prophet Muhammad (s). All the pious people shall give allegiance to him, and he (as) would, once again, establish the religion of Allah (swt) by being victorious. He (as) would be the one running the government and would establish the government, as Allah (swt) had commanded. He would be the Imam of the time, and would also understand the language of Animals. All Humans and Jins would be present in his courts. Tarikh Al-Khamees, Volume 2, 2nd Edition, Pages 288-290, Published Beirut Tarikh Al-Khamees, Volume 2 Page 288 Shaykh Sibt ibn al-Jauzi al-Hanafi says: Muhammad bin Hasan bin Ali bin Mohammed bin Ali bin Mosa bin Jafar bin Mohammed bin Ali bin Hussain bin Ali bin Abu Talib (Peace be upon them all). Abu AlQasim is your title and you are the caliph and Imam of the times. Your mother’s name was Saqil. Tazkara tul Khawas, page 204 (Published in Egypt) Al-Abbas al-Din Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abu Bakr ibn Khallikan stated in his famed work ‘Wafayaat al Ayan’ Volume 2 page 174 [Printed Egypt] popularly known as ‘Tarikh Ibn Khalkan’ said about Imam Mahdi (as): “he was born on the 18th of Shabaan in 255 Hijri, on a Friday in the house of Hasan Askari”. On the rank of ibn Khallikan, Imam Ya’afi wrote the following appraisal of him: Ibn Khallikan the author of Tarikh Wafayyath was born in 607 Hijri, he possessed excellent manners, he attained such a rank that in Egypt he attained the rankof Deputy Judge, he remained a Judge for 20 years…he was an expert in the knowledge of history, he authored Wafayaath al Ayan, of all the books that have been written on history, this is the best”. Taken from Miraat al Janaan, Volume 4 page 183 [printed Egypt & Tabaqat Shafeeya Volume 1 page 338-339 [Printed Beirut]. Shamsuddin Muhammad bin Tulun al-Salehi al-Hanafi writes: Muhammad bin-Al Hasan (as) is the twelfth Imam. He is Abul Qasim Muhammad bin Al-Hasan bin Ali Al-Hadi bin Mohammed Al-Jawad bin Ali Al-Raza bin Musa Al-Kazim bin Jafar Al Sadiq bin Mohammed Al-Baqir bin Ali Zain ul Abideen bin Al-Hussain bin Ali bin Abu Talib (Peace be upon them all). According to the 12ers, he is the 12th Imam of their Imams and is the awaited savior. Shia have many narrations regarding him and they are awaiting his (as) reappearance. He was born on Friday the 15th of Shaban 255 Hijri. At the time of the death of his father (as), he was five years old. His mothers name was “Khumat”, and also goes by the name “Narjis”. Ibn Al-Azaraq, in Tarikh Mia Fariqeen, has mentioned his (as) date of birth as Rabi-ul-Akhir 257 hijri, and 8th Shaban, 256 Hijri. Al-Shazrat Al-Zuhbiyah by Shamsuddin Muhammad bin Tulun, page 117 (Published in Beirut) Anti-Shia scholar Sheikh Ibn Hajar Al-Haythami Al-Makki said whilst discussing the biography of Imam Hasan al Askari (as): “…it is said that he was martyred by being poisoned, and apart from Abul Qasim Mohammad (as), had no other sons, who was at the tender age of five when his father passed away. But Allah (swt) provided him with knowledge, and he (as) is known as the awaited savior, for he (as) went into occultation and no one knows his (as) whereabouts. “ Al-Sawaiq Muhariqa, page 208 (Published in Multan) Leading Hanafi scholar Mullah Ali Qari in his famed work ‘Mirqat Sharh Mishkat’ Volume 11 pages 260-261 [Printed Multan, Pakistan] stated the following about the 12 Khalifas: The Shia refer the twelve Caliph as the continuous khalifas of the prophet’s Ahlebayt, the first is Ali ibn Abi Talib, Hasan bin Ali, Husayn bin Ali, Zain Al-Abdeen, Muhammad Al-Baqir, Jafar Al-Sadiq, Musa Al-Kadhem, Ali Al-Ridha, Muhammad Al-Taqi, Ali Al-Naqi, Hasan Al-Askari, Muhammad Al-Mahdi (may Allah be pleased with them all ). This is like what Khawaja Muhammad Parsa have mentioned in ‘Faslul Khitab’ in detail, followed by Maulana Abdur Rahman Al-Jaami in the last section of ‘Shawahid un Nubuwwa’ where he mentioned their merits, virtues and miracles in general and set out counter-arguments to the Rafida who by their corrupted beliefs and illusions think that the Ahle-Sunnah hate the Ahle bayt . But Ahlul-Haqq (the righteous) love all the companions and AhlulBayt, not like the Khawarij who are enemies to the prophet’s progeny, and not like the Rafidha who have enmity to the companions and the esteemed figures of the nation. Mirqat Sharh Mishkat Volume 11 page 260-261 Grand Mufti Diyar Al-Hazarma Abdur Rehman bin Mohammed bin Husain bin Umar Al-Mashoor Alvi’s saying: According to Sheikh Iraqi Imam al-Mahdi (as) was born in 255 Hijri. According to Sheikh Ali AlKhawas, during his times, which was 958 hijri, Imam al-Mahdi’s (as) age would be 703 years. Ahmed Ramli also said that Imam al-Mahdi (as) is real, as Iman Abdul Wahab Sharani has said. Baghiyat ul Mustarshadeen, page 296 by Abdur Rehman bin Muhammed bin Husain bin Umar Ahmed ibn Yousuf Demashqi also known as Imam Qirmani writes in his book Tarikh-Akhbar Aldaul Fi Asar Al-Awal, page 118 [Printed Baghdad]: “At the time of his father’s death, Imam Abu AlQasim Muhammad -ibn-Hasan AlAskari was five years old. Allah (swt) granted him knowledge in the same year; same as when Prophet Yahya (as) was awarded knowledge when he was young. He had a graceful personality and his face had light on it (These characteristics are the same as mentioned in Hadith books while describing Imam al-Mahdi). According to Shias, he vanished in a cave at Baghdad in 266 Hijri. He is a warrior and the awaited Savior, who would reappear just before Judgment day and before that he, would go into two occultations, one the minor one and the other one would be the major one. During the minor occultation, which would start following his birth, there would be contact between him (as) and his Shia, whereas the Major occultation would start after the minor one and would continue till he (as) reappears. The Shia of Baghdad had a tradition that every Friday they would mount a horse, and near the entrance of the cave, where he (as) disappeared, would shout his name before entering. Sultan Suleman Khan Usmani banned this tradition of theirs. All the scholars agree that he would reappear in the last days before judgment day, and his presence would rid the world from the dark days of oppression and tyranny. Now the remaining issue is as to which year exactly and what exact day would he (as) reappear. Regarding this issue, Abu Baser (R.A) narrates from Imam Jafar Al Sadiq (as) that Imam al-Mahdi’s (as) reappearance would be in one of the odd numbered years. It could be XXX1 or XXX3 or XXX5 or XXX9, and the day he (as) would reappear would be the Ashura day, and it would be a Yak Shanba (Friday), 10th of Muharram, and people would pay their allegiance to him between “Rukun” and “Maqam” There would be a man standing on his (as) right side, making the announcement of his (as) arrival and hearing this, all his companions would come from all four corners of the earth and pay their allegiance to him. He would fill the earth with peace and justice, the same way as it was filled with oppression and tyranny before his (as) arrival. He would then move from Mecca to Kufa, and would base himself (as) at Najaf, from where he (as) would send his forces in all four direction of the earth. Tarikh Akhbar al-Daul, page 118 by Shaykh Ahmed bin Yusuf Damashqi al-Qirmani With regards to the Authenticity of Akhbar Aldaul, Iman Ahl-e-Sunnah Allama Sheikh Mustafa Afandi Al Chilpi-ibn-Abdullah Afandi famous writer from Chilpi writes in “Kashaf al Zanoon Al-Asami AlKutub Wal Funoon”, Volume 1, Page 26 (Published in Beirut) that “Tarikh Akhbar al-Daul” is a history book which was written by Abu Al Abbas Ahmed-bin-Yousaf Al Qirmani Al Mutawafi, 1019 Hijri. Abdul Kareem Nahai also narrates a tradition from Imam Jafar Al Sadiq (as) that Imam al-Mahdi (as) would rule for seven years, and Allah (swt) would increase the length of those days to the extant that one year of that time would be equal to ten years of your time. So his (as) rule would last for seventy years of your time. Imam of Ahle Sunnah Allamah Shaykh Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Amr al Shabbrvi in ‘al Ashraf’ page 189 wrote the following on Abu’l Qasim Muhammad: “Imam Mahdi al Muntazir al Hujjat son of Imam Hasan Askari was born in 255 Shabaan and was born five years before his father’s death. Due to the fear of the Leaders his father kept his birth a secret Imam Muhammad is the awwaited Khalifa, the pious Imam of our time, his title is know as ‘Mahdi’” Kitab Itehaf Bejub al-Ashraaf, page 189 by Shaykh al-Shabrawi al-Shafiyee Imam Ahle Sunnah Allama Al-Hafiz Mohammed bin Muhtamad Khan Al- Badakhshani’s says: About the ayat “Surely your enemy is the one who shall be without posterity.” Explaining “Abtar” he says, “Abtar” is someone who doesn’t possess any future hope or posterity.… Imam Husasin’s son was Abu AlHasan Ali-bin-Al Hussein, Zain-ul-Adbideen and his son was Abu Jafar Mohammed AlBaqir (as), and his son was Abu Abdullah Jafar AlSadiq (as), and his son was Abu Ismael Musa AlKazim and his son was Abu AlHasan Ali AlRidha and his son was Abu Jafar Mohammed AlJawad, and his son was Abu AlHasan Ali AlHadi, and his son was Abu Mohammed Hasan Zaki, and his son is AlMuntazar Abu AlQasim Muhammad AlMahdi (as). Nazal al-Abrar, pages 174-175 by Muhammad bin Muhamad Khan al-Badkhashani Concerning the authenticity of Nazal AlAbrar, Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlvi, in his book, titled “Azalatah AlGhein”, has held “Nazal AlAbrar” by Allama Mohammed-bin-Muhtamad Khan AlBadakhshani, with great esteem and has said very good things about it. Imam of Ahle Sunnah Shaykh Momin bin Hasan Mominal Shiblinji wrote in his book: “Referring to the merits Muhammad bin Hasan bin Alial Hadi bin Muhammad al Jawad son Ali bin Raza bin Musa al Kadhim bin Jafer al Sadiq, bin Muhammad al Baqir, bin Ali Zaynul Abideen bin al Hussain bin Ali bin Abi Talib [r]. His mother’ sname was Nurjis, some have said her name was Susan or Sakeel, his titles are Abu Qasim, al Qaym, Hujut’ul Mahdi, Khalifa Saleh, the Imam of our time, he is last in the line of the 12 Imams.He was born in 255 Hijri” Nur al Absar, page 382 Shaykh Mufti Kamaluddin Muhammed bin Talha Al-Shaafiyee writes: Abul Qasim Mohammed bin Al Hasan Al Khalis bin Ali Al Mutawakil bin Mohammed Al Qamiah bin Ali Al Raza bin Musa Al Kazim bin Jafar Al Sadiq bin Mohammed Al Baqir bin Ali Zain ul Abideen bin Al Hussain Al Zaki bin Ali bin Abu Talib (Peace be upon them all). He is the awaited savior. His mother’s name was Saqirah (R.A), and is also mentioned as Hakima (R.A). His (as) name is Muhammad, Kunyat Abul Qasim; titles include Hujat Khulifa Salih, and AlMuntazir. Mutalib Al-Seul, Page 89 Published Egypt Sheikh al Muhadduth Qadhi Abu Abdullah Mohammed-bin-Yousaf-bin-Mohammed Gangi Shafi in his book, titled AlBiyan Fi Akhbar, about the awaited savior, in the twentieth chapter, says that: Imam al-Mahdi (as) is Imam Hasan Al Askari’s (as) son, who is alive and living. He is alive since his disappearance until now. This is just like Prophet Isa (as), Khizr (as) and Ilyas (as), Imam al-Mahdi (as) is likewise also alive. This reference was then recorded by Imam of of Ahle Sunnah Mustafa ibn Abdullah Chulpi in ‘Kifayaat al-Talib, page 308 by Al-Ganji al-Shafiyee It is tragic that this this great scholar, despite being Sunni, was killed, like Imam of Ahle Sunnah Nisai, in the Mosque of Shaam by the Nasibi mullahs. His crime was that he wrote about the virtues of Ahle bayt (as). [See Tadhkirathul Khawaas, Volume 4 pag 1441]. Sheikh Muhammad bin Yusuf al-Zarandi al-Shafiyee in his book Ma’arej al-Wusul created a separate chapter on the biography of Imam Mahdi (as) and on page 181 he wrote: وكان مولده (عليه السلام) كما نقلت الشيعة ليلة الجمعة للنصف من شعبان سنة خمس وخمسين ومائتين بسر من رأى في زمن المعتمد “His birth as the Shia narrate was in the middle of the month of Sh’aban in the year 255 in Samera city during the reign of al-Mu’atmed” Sheikh Hisham Khizer in his book “Ahlulbayt wa Ahfad al-Nabi” page 139 (published in Egypt) states: ولد الإمام محمد بن الحسن سنة 255 هجرية وبالتحديد يوم الجمعة 15 سعبان “Imam Muhammad bin al-Hassan was born in year 255 Hijri, and the exact dates was the 15th of Sh’aban” Among esteemed Sunni scholars, Imam Dhahabi was the one who believed that Imam Hasan Asakari (as) had a son but he too died in his childhood. In his book ‘Tarikh al-Islam’ volume 19 page 113 records: وأما ابنه محمد بن الحسن الذي يدعوه الرافضة القائم الخلف الحجة ، فولد سنة ثمان وخمسين ، وقيل سنة ست وخمسين. عاش بعد أبيه سنتين ثم عدم ، ولم يعلم كيف مات. وأمه أم ولد. “And his son Muhammad bin al-Hassan whom the Rafidha call “al-Qaem al-Khalaf al-Hujja”, was born in year 258, and it is said that the year was 256. He lived for two years after his father then he disappeared, and it is not known as to how he died. His mother is a slave woman.” Also in his book ‘Al-Ebar fi Khabar Men Ghabar’ page 92, Imam Dahabi states: وفيها محمد بن الحسن العسكري بن علي الهادي بن محمد الجواد بن علي الرضا بن موسى الكاظم بن جعفر الصادق العلوي الحسيني أبو القاسم.الذي تلقبه الرفضة: الخلف الحجة. وتلقبه بالمهدي وبالمنتظر. وتلقبه بصاحب الزمان، وهو خاتمة الاثنتي عشر، وطلال الرافضة ما عليه مزيد. فإنهم يزعمون أنه دخل السرداب الذي بسامر فاختفى. وإلى الآن، وكان عمره لما عدم تسع سنين أو دونها. Also in it (died) Muhammad bin al-Hassan al-Askari bin Ali al-Hadi, bin Muhammad al-Jawad, bin Ali al-Reza, bin Musa al-Kazim, bin Jaffar al-Sadiq al-Alawi al-Hussaini Abu al-Qasim. The Rafidha call him al-Khalaf al-Huja, and call him al-Mahdi al-Muntazir, and call him Sahib al-Zaman. He is the seal of the twelve Imams. They claim that he entered a tunnel and disappeared till now in Samira (city), his age was nine when he disappeared. Following this narration Grand Mufti of Constantinople Suleman Qandozi al-Hanafi in ‘Yanabi al Mawaddat’ provides numerous proofs from Sunni sources on the existence of Imam Mahdi (as). The statements of the scholars of grammar and Hadith confirming that Mahdi is the son of Imam Hasan Askari (ra) The scholar Kamal-ud-Din Abu Salim Mohammed-bin-Talha-bin-Mohammed-bin-Hasan Halabi Shafhai, in his book Mutalib Alsool Fi Munaqib Aal-e-Rasool, has written that Imam al-Mahdi (as) is the son of Iman Abu Mohammed Hasan Askari (as) He (as) was born at Samrah. Also, in his book, Dar Munazam, he has said the same thing. Sheikh Aslah-ud-Din has written in Sharah Dairah that al-Mahdi (as) is the twelfth Imam of the Aima (as). Imam Ali (as) was the first Imam and, Imam al-Mahdi (as) being the last. Sheikh Mohammed bin Ibrahim Hamwini Shaafiyee, in his book Fariad Al Semtayn, has copied from Abal Khazai that he narrates from Imam Ali Ridha bin Musa Kazim (as) that, “After me, my son Jawad Taqi (as) would be the Imam, after him, his son; Ali Hadi Naqi (as) would be the Imam. The next Imam after him (as) would be his (as) son, Hasan Askari (as), and after him (as), the next Imam would be his son, Mohammed AlMehdi (as). During his absence, people who wait for his reappearance, and after his reappearance, people who would obey him would be the pious (Mumins)”. The same has been mentioned in Chapter 80. Sheikh-ul-Islam Ahmed Haji, Mukani, Sheikh Atar Nishapuri, Shams-ud-Din Taberazi, Jalal-d-ud-Din, Molana Roomi, Syed Neymat-ul-Allah Jazaeri and Syed Semi have all mentioned Ahl-e-Bait (in their poems, and they all have mentioned Imam al-Mahdi (as) after mentioning the other Aima (as). These are proofs that imam al-Mahdi (as) was born. Who ever has followed the works of these people, would find this to be true. [Ya Nabi al Mawaddath, Pages 731-735 Urdu translation, Published in Beirut]. Scholar of Ahle Sunnah Nur’ud Deen Ali bin Muhammad al-Maliki refers to Abu Qasim Muahham al Hujjat as the 12th Imam in his book: Al-Fasul Al-Mahima, pages 291-292 by Ibn Sabagh al-Maliki Hazrat Sheikh Akbar-ibn-Arbi said in his Fatuhat al Makkiya: Destination and Companions of al-Mahdi (as): al-Mahdi (as) who would reappear at the end of time, and about whom, Prophet Mohammed (s) had made a prediction, would be a member of Ahl-e-Bait (as) of Prophet Mohammed (s). Verily, he is a caliph of Allah (swt), who would reappear at a time when the world would be full of tyranny and oppression, and he (as) would fill it up with justice. Even if it is the last day of earth, Allah (swt) would stretch the day to a length that he (as) becomes the Imam of the world. People would pay him (as) their allegiance between “Rukun” and “Makam”. The most fortunate people at that time would be the residents of Kufa. He (as) would distribute the substance equally, and would spread justice. He (as) would deliver justice to the oppressed, whoever would fight him (as) would be destroyed, and whoever opposes him, would be humiliated. He (as) would bring back the real Islam, the Islam which Prophet Mohammed (s) would order to follow, He (as) would rid the world of false religions, and would establish the true religion of Allah (swt). Many of the renowned scholars would be his (as) enemies, but they would, undesirably, pay their allegiance to him, it would either be because they would be scared of him, or due to the substance which he would have, and all the Muslims would be jubilant. People of truth would also pay their allegiance of him (as). His companions would include people who are God fearing, and they would be the one spreading his message. He would be the Caliph of Allah (swt), who can even understand the the languages of animals, and whose justice would spread to both Jinn and Men. His (as) companions would be non-Arabs, but they would be able to speak Arabic. About Imam al-Mahdi (as), he said: It is necessary to know that reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi (as) is a must. But he (as) would not reappear until this world is filled up with oppression and tyranny, and after reappearing, he would fill it up with justice. Even if it is the last day of earth, Allah (swt) would stretch the day to a length that he (as) becomes the Caliph of Allah (swt) in this world. He would be from the Ahle bayt of Prophet Muhammad (s), and from the children of Fatima. Muslims would give hom their allegiance between “Rukn” and “Maqan”. His physical characteristics would be like that of Prophet Muhammad (s), and his manners would be lower than the Prophet (s), since no one can match Prophet Muhammad (s). He would have an upright character. During his reign, people of Kufa would be the most fortunate. He would divide sustenance equally, and establish justice. People would come to him saying give me O al-Mahdi, and he would give them so much that they would not be able to carry it. He would leave this earth in a state of serving Allah (swt). Through him, Allah (swt) would rid tyranny and establish justice. People would spend their evening, as if being pagans, but would wake up in the morning in the state of purity. Triumph would precede him everywhere; and he would be alive for five or six years. He would follow the steps of Prophet Muhammad (s) and make no mistakes. “……………”. He would do whatever he says and he would say whatever he really does. Allah (swt) would help him in fixing his affair in one night. He would conquer the city of Rome, with a Takhbir and seventy thousand troops, who would be from the children of Ishaq (as), they would be present in the Great War, where the supporters of tyranny would be killed and Muslim ummah would be given stability, and a new zeal. Through him, Allah (swt) would once again revive Islam from its dark times. He would take Jazyah, and would kill anyone who would stand to fight against him. He would restore real Islam, that was brought by Prophet Muhammad (s). He would be oppose those rulings issued by the scholars, and they would not be very happy with him, for they thought that after the twelve Aima (as), there would be no more Mujtahids. … the amount of traditions Prophet Muhammad (s) narrated about Imam al-Mahdi (as), have not been said of any other Imam. Infact he (s) has said that Imam al-Mahdi would be infallible in the matters of Caliphate, the same way as Prophet Muhammad (s) is infallible in the matters of religion. Fatuhat al-Makkiya, Volume 3 pages 327-328 Allamah Bushan said about the Guiding Imam of the Time: His (as) name is Hasan, Kunyat Abu Mohammed; Titles include Zaki, Siraj and Askari. His (as) mothers name was Sausan (r). He (as) has been associated with numerous miracles and his (as) qualities are countless. His children include Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi AlMuntazir (as) Anwar-e-Nabuwat, Page 672, Published Multan Sunni scholar Qazi Mohammed Suleman Salman Mansoorpuri said: Imam Hasan Al Askari. His name Hasan, his title Askari, his Kunyat Abu Mohammed, Born in Ramadan 232 Hijri, Mother’s name, which is present in Hadith, was “Um Walad” (R.A). Died on 8th Rabi-ul-Awal 260 Hijri, at Serman Rai. He had a son, Mohammed AlMehdi (as), who was born on 15th Shaban, 255 Hijri. He vanished at a cave in Serman Rai at the age of four. According to the Ithna Asharia sect, he is still alive and they deem him Imam AlMuntazir and Imam-e-Zamana al-Mahdi. Rehmat-ul-Lil Alameen, Volume 2, Page 136, Published Karachi Allamah Al-Haaj Mohammed Idrees Bhojiani said: Hazrat Imam Hasan Al Askari: His name was Hasan, known as Abu Mohammed Siraj, and Askar was his title. Birth: He was born in 222 hijri, at Madina, and he is the eleventh Imam of the12er Shias. Family Tree: Imam Hasan AlAskari bin Imam Ali Naqi bin Imam Mohammed Taqi bin Imam Ali Ridha bin Imam Mosa Kazin bin Imam Jafar Sadiq bin Imam Mohammed Baqir bin Imam Ali Zain-ul-Abideen bin Imam Hussain bin Imam Ali bin Abu Talib (Peace be upon them all). His (as) mother’s name was Sausan, who was Um-Wald. Martyrdom: On AlMuhtamid BiAllah’s orders, He (as) was poisoned. He was martyred at Serman Rai, on 8th Rabi-ul-Awal, at the age of 38,. Children: He (as) had one son, Muhammad AlMehdi (as) born on 15th Shaban, 256 Hijri, who vanished in a cave in Serman Rai, when he was four years old. According to the 12er sect, he is still alive, and they have given him the titles of Imam Muntazir, Imam-e-Zaman and al-Mahdi. Khandan-e-Nabuwat, page 513, (Publish Toba Teik Singh, Pakistan)
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 09:42:42 +0000

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