you see on and on and on and on and on and on and on .... prove - TopicsExpress


you see on and on and on and on and on and on and on .... prove this is who u think it is go ahead prove it .. u cant because it is a social network where people voice their opinions of random daily things .. make sure u keep all your documents even the slandering ones you have put on here .. trust me proof is not what u have it is speculation .. i told u in the beginning there are more than 1 person using this page .. prove its who u think it is .. go ahead .. and what would u win really if court is where all of US end up ... u have nothing to win u r far from financially stable yourself AND ACCORDING TO ALL YOUR SLANDERING POSTS neither does who u think this is .. remember u r just as guilty of posting pictures of PUBLIC records and if in fact u r speaking of one of your public mug shots being posted its not illegal to post PUBLIC MUG SHOTS u can find them anywhere once you are arrested and booked but you already knew that considering you have done the same ... further more you have gone as far as contacting people, professional people trying to find out personal information so u can post that too and call it OK for you to do it but heaven forbid someone do it to you, then thats just not right .. you can invade peoples privacy and use your grade school logics to justify why u do it ... we personally get pleasure from time to time to come on here just to see what non-sense you post and yea we rebut it oh well it doesnt make us any better than u but it is so fun proving ur and idiot that doesnt know how to stop but whine about it when it doesnt suit you .. YOUR a piece of work lady .. R U SERIOUSLY thinking you have something on us when in fact we are only following your lead .. You started all of this creating fake names to get to peoples profile to be Nosey .. But u turn that around too and say oh boo hoo they do this to me but im happy it doesnt bother me but boo hoo poor me and then what do u do ... come right back on here and talk about someone loosing a child and laughing about it or laughing that someone in your words LOST their home or call their family members names.. oh and lets not forget the famous call from the blocked number to breath in a phone over and over and over again .. or Hey how about this call someone Trailer trash when in fact you shouldnt know if that someone lives in an apartment, house shack or Trailer so lets see how could u possibly know what you no who lives in unless ..... You followed that someone just so u could find out ... HMMMM .. oh yea dont forget to print those posts ... WE HAVE .. so there ya go proof huh .. remember we have all the proof we need to show that we can match your alias to your fake names because u didnt change your facebook domain name ... yea WE HAVE THAT AS WELL .. so now whatcha got .. i cant wait to read it ..
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 18:03:25 +0000

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