you think Dairy is healthy? The argument in favor of dairy is - TopicsExpress


you think Dairy is healthy? The argument in favor of dairy is usually around the idea that it is a good source of calcium. I’m here to tell you that it isn’t. Because dairy is an animal protein, it has an acidic affect on your body. To balance out the pH, your body turns to its own alkaline mineral reserves and leeches calcium from your bones. So therefore, dairy actually takes calcium from your body rather than introduces it. Shocking, I know. Then there’s the fact that pasteurized dairy is full of antibiotics, comes from a cow that is usually less than healthy, and is full of pus cells. Yep, pus. According to research by the USDA, the average content of pus in milk is 316 million pus cells! If you want to learn more about the detriments of dairy, click here or pick up a copy of The China Study by T. Colin Campbell. What should we have instead? Try cheese made from nuts (like cashew or Brazil nut cheese) and milk made from either almonds, coconut, oats, hemp, or rice.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 20:51:02 +0000

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