you will always have that outsider who thinks they know your life - TopicsExpress


you will always have that outsider who thinks they know your life and the situations in it better than you do. Therell always be that outsider who thinks they know about your relationship and your partner better than you do, they even know how the situation/relationship will end up. We tend to give such people freedom to let their opinions influence our choices when the truth is that NO ONE UNDERSTANDS BETTER THAN YOU AND YOUR PARTNER WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP. Its good to get advice from others but never give someone elses opinion more power to influence you than your own opinion. You have intelligence and wisdom so use them. We need to have a backbone and stand for what we think and believe, and the moment we do, people will know their bounderies. They wont have too much freedom to contribute in matters that dont concern them. People seem to influence the state of our relationships and even THE DREAMS WE CHOOSE TO PURSUE. IF IT MAKES YOU HAPPY AND YOU BELIEVE ITS WORTH IT THEN GO FOR IT! If you get hurt and disappointed it wont be the end of the world. RATHER REGRET THE OUTCOME OF YOUR OWN DECISION THAN THE OUTCOME OF A DECISION THAT WAS INFLUENCED BY SOMEONE ELSE. As women we need to know when we need to judge our men as other men, and when we need to consider their individual characters as opposed to thinking that all men are the same. Listen to your GUT FEELING and do what MAKES YOU HAPPY. You dont need to explain yourself to anyone, this is YOUR LIFE.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 09:08:53 +0000

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