you would imagine the epa would be the head of these but seems - TopicsExpress


you would imagine the epa would be the head of these but seems there just there as yes men and its all normal go to me Dear Mark, Thank you for contacting the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). I note your comments in relation to the trees in your area. . The EPA is the statutory body responsible for monitoring air quality I Ireland. In order to protect our health, vegetation and ecosystems, a number of EU directives set down air quality standards in Ireland and the other member states for a wide variety of pollutants. The monitoring, assessment and management of ambient air quality in Ireland is carried out according to the requirements of the EU Air Quality Framework Directive and Clean Air for Europe Directive. Specific ambient air quality standards have been prescribed for the following pollutants in ambient air and/or deposition from air: ● sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter, lead, carbon monoxide, benzene and ozone (2011) ● polyaromatic hydrocarbons, arsenic, nickel, cadmium and mercury in ambient air (2009). In addition to publishing a comprehensive report on air quality annually, the EPA also reports the results of current air quality monitoring of the above pollutants through its website: and it is possible to view real-time air quality data for air monitoring locations around the country. The EPA’s air quality monitoring network confirms that air quality in Ireland is good. There are no chemicals being released from in the air over Ireland apart from the normal exhaust emissions from airplanes. There is no seeding of clouds in Ireland. The duration and size of airplane contrails (normal release from jet engines, mainly water vapour) in the sky varies depending on the atmospheric conditions at the time. In relation to the inspection of the trees you should contact the National Parks and Wildlife Service to see if they can give you any advice in relation to the state of the trees to which you refer. The EPA do not have qualified horticultural staff to undertak such analysis of the trees in question. If you have health concerns in regard to the flouridation of the water you need to contact the Health Board or the Department of Health as this comes under their remit. Kind regards Linda Deegan Environmental Queries Officer From: mark caulfield [] Sent: 16 July 2013 11:49 To: Wexford Receptionist Subject: plant and tree die off on my road and surrounding areas my name is mark Caulfield from 33 cappagh avenue finglas west Dublin 11 I have been noticing trees on my road dying off and oozing sap and oils and smelly stuff the road is full of sticky goo and it is down to what is flying over head heavy aerosol going on but over the last year it is worse if it is damaging trees this way I can imagine it is effecting me and my family I have hundreds of videos and photos of this disaster that our government is forcing on us trough this scheme there active in I would like to point out your dutys to protect us and our land not let a fictional entity take over our airspace and do these criminal activitys to kill off us and our wildlife and your office will bear the blunt of this in the after mark and this government as acting outside there dutys and causing harm I would like a rep to come out to my home and view these trees not natural death for a tree and view these plants trough my eyes there smothering and I want a test done I am a concerned parent and my biggest concern is for my family I fear for there health I am fully aware of my surroundings and how this is going on I would like a reply and disclosure of all info that is in this office on these problems 1 tree die off chemical analysis 2 report on the local air quality tests for all Dublin and surrounding areas in the of for the last 6 months 3 water charts tests and results for Dublin list of treatment additives 4 your charter of dutys and your enforcements protocol sent to mark Caulfield no later than 14 days to the address above and I would like a reply as to when an officer from this office will be out to test trees water and air in my area as I said I am fully aware as I am now in bad health due to fluoride I have irritable bowl and bladder a constant ringing in my ears and I am aware fully of the cause thank you in advance for your reply and information on these issues mark. back to sleep
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 13:26:37 +0000

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