"your son is a fighter" "he is very strong" i have heard this - TopicsExpress


"your son is a fighter" "he is very strong" i have heard this from day one...i need a lot of strength and support right now..little jeremiah was admitted to the childrens hospital again yesterday night. i took him to the E.R. to have his G-tube put back in when it came out...the next day i noticed jeremiah was breathing funny,his lips were white, his breathing was labored and he wasnt acting like himself.his stomach looked pretty swollen as if he had gas or was full.took him to a follow up weight check appointment.the doctor had fire rescue take him to the E.R. turns out jeremiah was really sick. his stomach was pushing into his lungs causing his heart to work harder.from there he was transported by helicopter from the E.R. to childrens national medical center straight to the OR to have surgery.surgery went good he was fine.and now he is in the PICU.jeremiah was diagnosed with septic shock and peritonitis. septic shock if you dont know is a serious condition that occurs when an overwhelming infection leads to life threatening low blood pressure. peritonitis is a inflamation(irritation) of the peritoneum the thin tissue that lines the inner wall of the abdomen and covers most of the abdominal organs.basically when the doctor put jeremiahs feeding tube back in it and i started his feeds they werent going to his stomach they were going to the outside of it which causes irritation.jeremiah is in critical condition right now.during surgery the doctor removed and cleaned out what he could but there is still fluid in the area so they are draining the rest of the fluid through a tube that is in his nose and also through his G-tube.jeremiah is on a breathing machine right now the good thing is he is breathing on his own but the machine is there for support.his blood pressure isnt so great he isnt maintaining it on his own so the doctors have him on some meds for that.he is at high risk for getting a infection so the doctors and nurses are watching him very closely.his white blood cells are very low and his body is acting as if it is trying to fight off an infection but tests show no sign of infection.he is resting and responsive.very responsive i said hey boog and he opened his eyes and got excited moving his legs and trying to lift his arms like he wanted me to hold him...machines started going off left and right and the nurse had to sedate him a lil to calm him down.right now jeremiah needs all the rest he can get.and im right here by his side like i have always been.tears here and there but im staying positive.im keeping faith that he WILL be ok. and we WILL get through this together.i hope those that care have time to read this because its not easy for me to inform everyone.if you want updates on jeremiah message me and i will give my number and text or call you when i get word on whats the plan for him.pray for us....im hanging in there...taking this all in and dealing with it day by day.jeremiah is a fighter he has been and he aint goin down with out a fight.thank you.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 00:31:51 +0000

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