yourstemcellhealth Heart Failure Recovery: I had a huge heart - TopicsExpress


yourstemcellhealth Heart Failure Recovery: I had a huge heart attack 5 years ago followed by five bypasses. As a result I now have severe cardiac failure OR cardio myopathy. Last year I started retaining fluid and had to go into hospital where they drained 12 Kg of fluid in one week. I now have to watch my fluid intake and am on a restriction of 1.5 litres a day. I recently started taking Laminine. Five weeks after I started, I had to go for my regular blood tests and also for a physical test called a VO2 Max test and one of my (four a year) Heart Clinic appointments. I did the VO2 Max test about 6 months previously but failed it. With a lot of encouragement during the test I went as far as I could and had to stop when I was completely tired. The person doing the test this time said that I did pretty well. I asked that if 10 was amazing how would I be rated .... the person said 7. I think that is a good improvement from the last test! With my blood tests they also check BNP (Brain Natriuretic Peptide) . A reading of 0-99 pg/mL is considered normal. Any reading from 100 - 900 pg/mL is considered abnormal and can indicate heart failure at varying levels of severity. You may use the following reference to interpret the readings: • 100-300 pg/mL is an indication of a potential heart failure. • 300 pg/mL or higher is an indication of mild heart failure. • 600 pg/mL or higher is an indication of moderate heart failure. • 900 pg/mL or higher is critical and is considered as severe heart failure. On my last visit to the Heart Clinic the doctor told me she was pleased with my BNP reading of 150. Now 5 weeks after taking Laminine I asked the doctor what my BNP reading was. With a smile she said 70. She also said that I was going so well that they only need to see me twice a year rather than four times a year. In a couple of months I will ask them to do an Echo Cardiograph. My last known Ejection Fraction was 20%. Will it improve ?? I hope so. I started with the loading dose (2 x 2 daily) for 2 weeks and then remained on 1x1 constantly ... I began OMEGA Laminine 1 x daily approximately 25th May ... Love Christopher yourstemcellhealth
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 06:06:14 +0000

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