Dont give up! Your history is not your - TopicsExpress

   Dont give up! Your history is not your destiny. What is your Money Mindset? We live in challenging times. There is a lot of anxiety and trepidation in todays economic climate. The fact that we now have 24 hour broadcast of doom and gloom only feeds peoples fear that everything is broken and everyone is corrupt. Its during these times of economic uncertainty that the greatest opportunities present themselves. Now is the time to reevaluate your own financial situation and reinvent yourself. How you respond depends on how you think about money. Your self worth will determine you net worth. The global shift in the economy should have snapped people out of their comfort zone. The world has changed and will never be the same again. You can read about the pass but you cant blast back to the pass. The days of depending on that college degree, that job, a pension or even the government have changed. Your financial security rest within your own hands. There is a way to build wealth and become financially independent but it requires developing a mindset of abundance. There is enough technology, enough sanity, enough righteousness, enough rightness, enough right thinking people, enough stuff to make this the most promising years ever. If 30,000 out of 40,000 people are making money in an organization there is a good sign that others can also. See the empower network income disclosure statement. The greatest investment you can ever make, is to invest life into life. Its not things but people that really count. Invest in your own personal development and become a better and stronger you then turn around and help some one else to do the same. There is money and joy in helping other people, but you must have the right vehicle. A tree will grow as tall as it can. It will send its roots as deep as it can and reach as high as it can. We are Gods greatest creation. But we have been given choice. We can go it along or reach out for help. Financial independence according to Jim is the ability to live off the income from your own personal resources. You dont have to work to make a living or earn money because you have enough income to pay all your bills. Instead you work for accomplishment, pleasure or joy. Darren Hardy went on to explain thats its more than having a lot of money in the bank and no debt. Its having invested wisely enough that your money works for you. You have enough that you can live comfortably off the interest. Jim Rohn was struggling and looking for answers when he met his mentor Earl Shoaff. Mr. Shoaff was a businessman and entrepreneur who took the time to share some life changing ideas that changed Jims life. He gave him pointers that helped him to see his life differently. Within five years Jim went from broke to millionaire. Jim never forgot and shared those ideas with the world. One of his best programs is the Challenge to Succeed. Another person of influence is Napoleon Hill who wrote the Law of Success. He invested 25 years of his life talking to the most powerful people of his time. And even though the book was published in 1928 its still relevant to today. I invite you to go to thinkandgrowrichaudios to get hooked up with the Think and Grow Rich mastermind group. We still drive Fords on Firestone tires. This has been straight talk, beast mode. H.G.M.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 02:56:15 +0000

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