Love the Opportunity You may not love - TopicsExpress

   Love the Opportunity You may not love all the work but you love the opportunity to build a life. You may not like your job but you go to work to get paid. You look forward to the paycheck. Whats better than a paycheck? The opportunity to build a better life, a brighter future, good health, lifestyle, fortune and success. If you dont like what you do right now be thankful for what you do have and use it as a stepping stone. Dont just settle and let it become a millstone around your neck that drowns you. You can work every day and be drowning in debt. You might go to work stressed and depressed trying to hang in there for a few more years. At this stage in life Ive seen too many not make it. Life is short at best. When opportunity knocks you must lift your head up and listen and then open the door. You may not know me but there is plenty to read. Google earl hackett empower network. I became an open book and its time to rock and roll (see Opportunities dont come around all the time. When they do you take advantage or you lose out. Tough love is telling people what they need, not what they want. If you are a parent you know what Im talking about. There is a reason for my being. Im here to help you as a think and grow rich practitioner. If you step forward I will believe in you. If you embrace the disciplines I will support you. If you dont get on board I will leave you behind. Who am I? Im the guy that went to seven different countries on three separate continents in two branches of the military and I was not on a Navy ship. I helped close down the Air Force Base in Tripoli Libya when the US had to leave the country. I was in Germany before the Iron Curtain was lifted. I was in the “cold war”. I saw the guard towers, the land mines, and the kill zones. I came from a humble background. I worked on the automotive assembly line in Detroit Michigan before it was automated. It was know as the “Motor City” back then. We were the robots, the motors that walked the line. I could have settled but I wanted more. So later, I walked the hallowed halls of Drexel University as a military veteran and graduated with a double major and shinny Second Lieutenant bars. I come from good genes. Mom didnt have the opportunity but some how she passed on the dream to me along with her work ethic. She was an independent woman who worked into her mid eighties and caught the bus to work. She was the country girl from Mississippi who had a lot of kids (14), I became the world traveler and entrepreneur that stopped at three. Life is strange, the next person you meet could become a friend for life. I could become your door to a early retirement, you never know. We never know what is going to happen. What we know for sure is nothing happens until you open the door and walk in. on the internet nothing happen until you click the link. If you had an opportunity to start your own digital franchise on the internet would you take a peek. All you have to do is follow the i-success formula: https://isuccessformula/adam/?id=earl_hackett&tid= We dont do burgers and fries and you know how successful McDonald’s is. You may not like their food but they have a system that rocks! We learn how to earn and do business on the internet. And when we help others its like opening up another location. How big is the WWW? Are you starting getting the big picture? This has been straight talk, beast mode. H.G.M.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 08:12:07 +0000

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