Ernesto Cortazar (1940–2004) was a - TopicsExpress

   Ernesto Cortazar (1940–2004) was a contemporary classical composer and pianist. He composed background music for more than 75 motion pictures. He also gained notoriety by topping the popularity on MP3 - a leading music-sharing service, popular with independent musicians for promoting their work. Ernesto Cortazar II was born in Mexico City in 1940 into a family of composers. Ernestos father, Ernesto Cortazar Sr., was an accomplished composer and was named president of the Society of Authors and Composers (SACM - Sociedad de Autores y Compositores de Mexico). Despite being orphaned at age 13, Ernesto continued with his studies by attending a music academy. He played piano at bars, hotels, conventions and at the same time, studied with Maestro Gustavo César Carreón, one of Mexicos most important and recognized music industry performers. Carreón gave him his first opportunity to compose a song for the movie La Risa de la Ciudad (1963) and it became a smash hit in Latin America and Spain. Ernestos main musical composition for this film - piano piece titled River of Dreams - won the award for Best Background Music for a Latin American Film at The Cartagena Festival. Ernesto went on to compose musical scores for more than 75 motion pictures. Ernesto traveled to more than 25 countries and performed his original compositions for political figures such as President of Argentina Carlos Menem, Nikita Khrushchev leader of the USSR and entertained at various prestigious venues including The Kremlin (Russia) and The Mexican Presidential House. Ernestos performances were requested and enjoyed by many of Hollywoods biggest celebrities including Charlton Heston, Danny DeVito, Michael Bolton, Octavio Paz, and The Rolling Stones. Ernesto Cortazar found even bigger fame being the #1 artist on the #1 music website in the world. Among 130,000 artists Ernesto lead the way with over 14,000,000 downloads to his compositions on MP3 from 1999 to 2001 which would normally make one a multi-platinum artist by gold/platinum sales designation of the traditional music industry. His sites were visited by more than 4,000,000 viewers. He established a website community which is translated to English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and German. In 2001, Ernesto moved from Los Angeles to Tampico, Mexico to live his last years near his family, where he died in 2004. His music legacy is continued by his two sons, Ernesto Cortazar III and Edgar Cortazar, who are successful songwriters on the Latin market. ~ Wikipedia Ernesto Cortazar于1940年出生在墨西哥一个音乐家庭,享有“墨西哥钢琴诗人”的美誉。他的父亲是当时墨西哥最有名气的作曲家。在他13岁那年,他的父母因为车祸去世了。那时,他立志将来要出人头地,以慰藉父亲的亡灵。 和祖母生活在一起的Ernesto Cortazar自学钢琴。他事业的起点,是在他17岁那年。当时他去游说电影制片人,希望他们能给予一个谱写电影背景音乐的机会。虽然很多人都嫌他过于年轻,不相信他具有谱写电影背景音乐的能力。但是他还是打动了其中的一个制片人,于是得到一个作曲的机会。他给一个叫La Risa de la Ciudad电影谱写了背景音乐和主题曲。片中主题歌曲 River of Dreams (梦之河) 在1957年的哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳国际电影节上,获得拉丁美洲电影项的最佳背景音乐奖。从此,奠定了Ernesto Cortazar作为电影背景音乐作曲家和演奏家的基础。 他曾为超过500 部影片和10个电视系列作曲配乐,目前为止,他已在25个国家做过巡回表演并在包括克里姆林宫、墨西哥总统府等重要场所作过专场演出,他还为许多名人,如 Charlton Heston,Danny de Vito,Michael Bolton,Octavio Paz,The Rolling Stones President Menem (Argentina),Nikita Krushev (USSR)作过表演。目前为止,Ernesto Cortazar总共出了23张个人专辑。 Ernesto Cortazar在1999年与当时很有名气的网络音乐网站MP3签约,委托该网站介绍推销自己的音乐。在那里,他的音乐成了试听和下载数量最高 的。遗憾的是,在2003年11月份,MP3被网络强站CNET兼并。以后新开张的 MP3已经面目全非,尤其是放弃了全曲免费下载的服务,令人惋惜。 Ernesto Cortazar的音乐清新缠绵,他的钢琴键有种魔力,凄美的琴音在满溢的情境夜里听来,似乎曲曲,都有一个电影般充满转折的故事。现在他则致力为不同题材的专辑创作,与大家分享他的生活中的点点滴滴...... Richard Clayderman,Kevin Kern,Giovanni浪漫激情,Ernesto Cortazar成熟稳重深情。 ~ 維基百科
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 02:05:35 +0000

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