The following attempt of an essay or - TopicsExpress

   The following attempt of an essay or article is my homage to Paco de Lucia who fought vehemently against narrow-mindedness and absurd considerations regarding ethnicity. Here it goes in his (Paco’s) name: Ironically enough is the fact that are the “*Quinquilleros” the issue here (*Spanish idiom to indicate those who mimic the gypsies or those who artificially imitate people truly born inside the flamenco culture) The false pretenders are divided in two groups: 1) Those who are non-spanish natives (this party is more laughable than the second one who are just pitiful fellows) 2) This second group is crowed of bogus/mediocre players who are born in Spain but who are either openly or secretly against Paco de Lucia’s innovative ideas as they feel threatened by the radical changes he brought to this musical field, some of this people use to say that Paco de Lucía is the new orthodoxy, but I particularly think that those who say that do so as a way to justify their own mediocrity. Pacos works continues to be vanguard as none of the so called “present flamenco musicians” have being able to equal the complexity, mastery, deepness and beauty of Pacos music (you can see here ) The first group really speaking don’t have an iota about flamenco guitar or flamenco culture but they think they know…as they often visit Spain (as what they are: tour- tourists) and get often brained-washed and thoroughly cheated here by the second group namely the “quinquilleros” from Spain, who give them cheap diplomas and false praise in exchange for some money… Is an interesting phenomena that those quinquilleros who are not born in Spain have a remarkable maliciousness toward those legitimate students of flamenco guitar, they constantly pose themselves as experts in the field, and the prove of their ignorance and meaningless behaviour is that they dare to criticize (either openly or under the table) even Paco de Lucia or those who follow his spirit, which unequivocally was to take this regionalist music -the flamenco- beyond the boring and predominant narrow-mindedness of those who believe that is nationality what qualifies a flamenco guitar player. In fact both Quinquilleros either those born outside of Spain as well as those who are Spanish natives have the very same “flamenco tourists mentality” and obviously they share many things in common, as both have serious psychological problems they often try to make others wrong (generally by speaking or writing lies etc), or by simply by lessening them so that they can feel better about themselves, this in fact is an inherent quality of their “flamenco tourist mentality” as they never miss the chance to show disdain and prejudice under the façade of either polite neutral advise or, by invalidating the sincere efforts of those who are factually deriving some happiness out of their authentic approach to the flamenco culture and specifically to the modern flamenco guitar path, in other words they are pleased to attack or make malicious remarks towards sincere non-Spanish students, some of those students are hobby-players or aspirants to learn the modern flamenco guitar art for any other purpose on the other hand and by the way here is how this term fits perfectly “flamenco tourists” hence indicates what they really are: Just tourists pretending to feel and discern this music. My students on the other hand are all genuine flamenco players and trustworthy people disregarding the level they have at playing guitar they all have something in common: They are open mind (not envious) and they love the music of Paco de Lucia because guitar it brings some light and cheerfulness into their lives, I truly admire and learn from them all without exception. Therefore to conclude I want confirm once again that I support them and I always will back any student or sincere aspirant to play guitar either for fun or with professional intentions as I explained at the following video and I can warranty them all that as Paco himself personally taught me: It is the training what matters, and not where their bodies where born, as in my case although I am Spanish is certainly not that what qualified me to play or teach as I do, but loyalty to Paco and training under his guidance having fun with music by helping others is what make who I am today. Ruben Diaz Ps. No wonder why Paco runaway from all quinquilleros, just read the following interview: (Paco de Lucia Newspaper - Interview )
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 11:25:52 +0000

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