a news conference held on Wednesday, - TopicsExpress

   a news conference held on Wednesday, November 12, St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay said that police are “not a part of the problem.” Slay told reporters that he has “full confidence” in the police. “They are not part of the problem,” he stated, before following up with what could be construed as a veiled threat against protesters: “but they will necessarily be part of the solution.” In response to the mayor’s comments, anonymous released a video showing several incidents of police brutality and use of excessive force against protesters. The video shows police shooting rubber bullets at peacefully gathered protesters, spraying tear gas at protesters who are sitting down in a group with their hands in the air, pepper spraying a man who was filming them, crushing another sitting protester against a wall, and much more.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 00:37:49 +0000

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