Ten Points You Probably Didnt Consider - TopicsExpress

   Ten Points You Probably Didnt Consider about the #NFL #DeflateGate: 1. Colts got their butts beat. Plain and simple. Ball pressure had NOTHING to do with poor coverage, missed tackles, bad passing miscommunications, poor play calling, etc. 2. Bob Kravitz initially reported this story WITHOUT A SHRED OF EVIDENCE. Even he admitted in his story that he wasnt sure if the Colts balls were measured, if the Pats balls were measured, if they had been opened (brand new) before the game, if anything had happened to them between the 2.5 hours before game time and game time. 3. Dqwell Jackson who intercepted one of these deflategate balls admitted that he could not feel a difference and HE HANDLED THE BALL HIMSELF. 4. Andrew Luck says he didnt feel a difference. 5. Colts tight End Dwayne Allen (@Dallen83) tweeted that They could have played with soap for balls and beat us. Simply the better team. We have to continue to build! Apparently, he did not think that the balls had any outcome in the game whatsoever either. 6. In fact, no player on either side of the ball has said he has felt a difference in Patriot balls or Colts balls. So if the people who actually played on the field and HANDLED the balls could not tell a difference, why are we arguing about it? What gives us the right to condemn others? 7. Even Kravitz himself has admitted that ...nobody is suggesting that the footballs had any appreciable impact on the game. Also that They (meaning Luck and Jackson) did not see a difference with footballs. Im not sure how they could, to be perfectly honest with you. 8. NOBODY has said at what temperature or where the retested balls were found to be 1-2 psi lighter. Was this testing done at the same temperature of the game? Was it done at the same elevation above sea level? Was the barometric pressure the same? NOBODY is saying. ALL OF THESE FACTORS AFFECT PSI. 9. I am soooo tired of this crap already. All this talk about how the Pats should be disqualified, Belichick should be fired or suspended, is all a bunch of jumping the gun. Nobody has even proven who is responsible here OR IF THE PATS EVEN CHEATED. The refs were supposed to open brand new balls and check them 2.5 hours before game time and no one has proven that they did. It is possible that there were some balls that were 1psi low from the factory. Do you realize how very little of a change ONE PSI is? How quickly temperature, elevation, etc can affect 1 psi? 10. Do you even know HOW these balls were retested? They were WEIGHED. Thats right, put on a scale and WEIGHED. Seriously. Weighed. Not measured with an air gauge, but weighed. So I ask you, If the New York Post or Wolf Blitzer or Brian Williams ran this story without a shred of proof, the nation would be calling for their heads! A reporter for Rolling Stone reported a college rape case without investigating any details, was quickly defrauded and people wanted her head! Why is Bob Kravitz allowed to stir up trouble without any evidence whatsoever? If YOU were accused of stealing office supplies from your job, would you want to be fired immediately or would you want to show how office supplies could have been used, miscounted, not ordered, used by another employee or any other dozen other possible reasonable explanations? Yeah, I thought so. So stop screaming for Belichicks head if you dont even know (and you dont) if he may or may not be the one responsible! So I invite everyone to kindly shut up about what they know very little about and lets let the people in charge of this kind of stuff sort it out. Roger Goodell makes $44 MILLION/year to sort this stuff out, so why are you offering to do it for free? Publicly and obnoxiously, I may add. #NFL #DeflateGate #NFLonFox #football
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 23:20:53 +0000

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