#rainbowwarriorsUNITE Iroquois Main - TopicsExpress

   #rainbowwarriorsUNITE Iroquois Main article: Iroquois The Iroquois Confederacy or League, combining five to six Native American Haudenosaunee nations or tribes before the U.S. became a nation, operated by The Great Binding Law of Peace, a constitution by which women retained matrilineal-rights and participated in the Leagues political decision-making, including deciding whether to proceed to war,[24] through what may have been a matriarchy[25] or gyneocracy.[26] The dates of this constitutions operation are unknown: the League was formed in approximately 1000–1450, but the constitution was oral until written in about 1880.[27] The League still exists. *
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 22:40:09 +0000

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