...... So many Christians are fighting - TopicsExpress

   ...... So many Christians are fighting amongst themselves whether or not we should celebrate Christmas because of the supposed Pagan beginnings. They complain that modern Christmas celebrations are nothing more than repurposed Pagan traditions. Although there is little evidence to substantiate this other than what everyone thinks they know, let me first say this: So what if that was the case? Hasn’t Jesus Christ “repurposed” each of us worthless sinners into workers for His Kingdom? Isn’t that what He does? Should He not use us because we were once filled with sin? The Bible states that what is meant for harm, God can change for our good (Genesis 50:20, paraphrase mine). “Behold, I make all things new.” (Revelation 21:5) If we continue to argue amongst ourselves on whether or not we should celebrate the birth of our Savior aren’t we doing exactly what the Atheists and God-haters want anyway? If there is no one to celebrate Christmas AS it should be FOR WHOM it should be then we really will have a Pagan holiday every December 25th. Whether it ever was in ancient times will become a moot point because that is certainly what it will become. When we argue amongst ourselves, it divides us as a faith which makes us easy to conquer. The Hebrews and Samaritans had differing views on where to worship our God(see John 4:20), and for that reason they became enemies even though they were really both children of God. I am not telling anyone to celebrate, or how to celebrate if you choose to do so. But with half of us running around championing Christ-centered Christmas music, Nativity scenes, and Merry Christmas as opposed to Happy Holidays and the other half arguing that we should just ignore the day all together we are not presenting a united front to the unsaved. Let God lead you in this season, and let us celebrate His birth all year. For so many in the world, this is the only time of year they even give thought to the one Person who can save them from eternal Hell. Why not take that opportunity when their hearts may be open to use Christmas to witness in song and Spirit to those in need of Him. Colossians 2:16 King James Bible Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Colossians 2:17 King James Bible Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. That is, if we must avoid all things associated with pagan worship, then we will need to give up far more than we expect. For example, the days of the week are named after various pagan gods: Sunday for the sun, Monday for the moon, Tuesday for Tiw (Norse and German god of combat), Wednesday for Woden (Odin), Thursday for Thor, Friday for Frigge, Saturday for Saturn. Using the rationale of those who say we cannot celebrate Christ’s birth on December 25 because it is associated with Saturnalia or Sol Invictus, we could argue that we can never celebrate any holiday—even those mentioned in Scripture—since they must necessarily fall on one of these days with pagan Just because pagan rulers celebrated their birthdays does not mean that Christians cannot celebrate their own birthdays or the birth of Christ. Pagan rulers also slept in beds with roofs over their heads; must we avoid those things too? Im not telling anyone to celebrate anything Im just doing this for learning purposes it was interesting Feedback: Christians Celebrating by ken ham.. we need to stop picking on each other Jesus left us with a new commandment love one another. Matthew 5:20 King James Version (KJV) 20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. Furthermore, shepherds, angels, Simeon, Anna, and the magi rejoiced and praised God because of the birth of Christ,6 so there is precedence for honoring this event. Frankly, Scripture does not give a specific command whether we should or should not celebrate the birth of Christ. As such, this issue falls under the category of Christian liberty . some people believe Jesus was born on the 15th day of 7th month of the biblical calendar, the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles (a High Sabbath), which always occurs in autumn. On the Julian calendar, it was Thursday, September 26, 3 BCE. God did not see it significant to add a date for Jesus birth .some people believe Jesus wasnt put in a manger when he was born. He was placed in a “manger” which is the same word as “sukkah” in Hebrew — a three-sided temporary dwelling erected at the autumn Feast of Tabernacles, the true timing of his birth. John 21:25 King James Bible And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. Im not telling anyone to celebrate anything Im just doing this for learning purposes The Gnostics held a yearly party and orgy to celebrate and declare this type of teaching, and the date they chose to hold their party just happened to be December 25th. Well, as the Gnostics were denying the Nativity most loudly on December 25th, the Church decided to counter by declaring the truth of the Nativity even louder, on December 25th as well. “It’s not that the Church had any special interest in December 25th, save for the fact that if you were going to drown out the pagan Gnostics, that was the day to do it. It was when the Gnostics held their biggest anti-Nativity bash, that’s all. “Literally, the good news is that the Church’s plan worked. God was with the church when they proclaimed the truth of the Nativity, and instead of December 25th being a day the Church feared and when Christians would jump ship to join with the pagan Gnostics, December 25th now was becoming the day when wayward Christians came back to the faith, and never looked at Gnosticism again. “It’s a great story. And it’s how the birth of Jesus became associated with December 25th, though the whole world knows Jesus was most likely not born on that day. “All that, to say this: The pagans lost.” . but remember Im not telling anyone to celebrate anything Im just doing this for learning purposes
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 22:18:35 +0000

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