Friday at 3:01am EST, the Moon moves into - TopicsExpress

   Friday at 3:01am EST, the Moon moves into optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius, where it will journey until Sunday morning. New experiences and adventures satisfy a deep emotional need. The Sagittarius Moon persuades us to come from intuition and think in a broader manner. We seek meaning and ideas that expand upon the here and now; we pursue truth and a new vision -- the big picture, rather than the details. Spontaneity is key, wed rather improvise than plan; this may tip into just winging it. We could also overdo or overstate. Friday: The first half of the day requires that we slow down a little and make some adjustments. Our head and our “intuitive body” may fight each other a little today: As best as you can, stay flexible and make room for both (mental exploration and intuitive sensing). Friday late evening, we enter the Balsamic Moon phase: this lasts until Tuesday of next week, when the New Moon in Aquarius becomes exact (…more on that next week). We are being asked to slow down and get quiet, so we can listen to our intuition. For some of us, this might be a stretch. As best as you can: stay grounded, take a deep breath and exhale any tensions.Rather than starting something brand-new, put all that energy into completing existing projects. This is also a great time for letting go of whatever no longer serves us. What if you could hear the voice of your inner wisdom? What might it be saying?
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 03:06:03 +0000

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