I also believe that I must name the names, - TopicsExpress

   I also believe that I must name the names, as did the Apostle Paul. Not judging anyones soul, just their gospels: --------------------------------------------------- Jesse Morrell: preaches Perseverance of the Saints, The same doctrine of Charles Finney. The true saints WILL persevere, and will or can, continue to repent of the vile sins of the flesh, over and over. Jesse Morrell also believes that God must cause man to repent: Below are his words: So God’s grace is necessary, not only for the forgiveness of our sins, but to overcome our unwillingness and bring us to a place of repentance ....Jesse ____________________________________ @Kerrigan Skelly: Who spoke these words in his public video preaching to his congregation: Who here hasnt sinned willfully since they have come to the knowledge of the truth ____________________________________________ Team Jesus Preachers Adam Lacroix He believes in sin nature: His Words: Do you never sin in any way? Even unintentionally? Further: Concerning the doctrine of original sin, or sin nature, as I had said in my comment, I do believe there is a sin nature that every human being is born into. Not in the way that the calvinist or catholics teach, but in accordance with the truth and repentance. and then contradicted himself in the same email: If you believe that a child is born into the world without a sin nature and can live holy from birth, my question is then, if that child has perfect training and guidance, do you believe that the child could never sin? He ended the conversation with this comment: “ I will not continue to give what is holy to the dogs nor cast my pearls before swine, as Jesus said, they will just turn and render you. You can respond if you like, but I have washed your blood off my hands and will mot be responding to anymore of your comments, unless you decide to humble yourself” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have not tagged them in this post. There has been much communication with them in the past. I write this post with fear and trembling, with respect for them, and hope for everyones mercy.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 21:08:46 +0000

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