Solverent sovereignty Free! Human beings - TopicsExpress

   Solverent sovereignty Free! Human beings under God, and not to satans government systems of babysitting control of any kind. Free Energy Magnetic Rotation Gimmick from Billy Meier case Under the metal bigger ball bearing (food for thought) that is firmly attached to the solid round megnet with the other smaller off set megnet on top of that is off center to the middle. Under the metal ball bearing is a donut shaped megnet to repel away from one another, cause a invisably natural bearing at is not there to cause friction or slow down or heat, bigger picture of free! Energy. The sewer tubing could be bigger to house all these working parts, bigger picture. Altanator, generators, converters you buy go into your cigarette lighter that turns that in higher volts for home stuff to plug in to. All of this is food for thought, run with it. Becare of the Elite Rothschilds Illuminati Cult Freemasons Jew Zionist. Free Energy puts all their stuff out of business if you know what I mean. Enjoy, sell these as kits, bigger picture. Put all this in that tube with the wires coming out for a bigger picture Humanity. https://m.facebook/story.php?story_fbid=10152486011938143&id=162316538142&refid=17&_ft_&__tn__=%2As In our Bibles Adam and Eve son Kane was the first possessed human being on this planet and it was his daughters that bore children to these fallen angels that our Bible refers to so these Jews are Satans Jewish bloodline of these Elite Rothschilds Illuminati Freemasons Zionist bigger picture. .001% ers Cult Elite Rothschild Illuminati Freemasons Zionist Nazi Isis ect... Are not Human, Humanity. But theyve got yous fighting each other to death like dumb asses equals not perfect, Bigger picture. Pleiadians =s Blue eyes, blonde hair, white skin. Putin =s Blue eyes, blonde hair, white skin, bigger picture. Thank God. lm.facebook/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fyoutube%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DsBsR-5bMHZM%26sns%3Dfb&h=iAQF-WjM_&enc=AZPYq6s3GXD27EVX2FUsgl08sZkpReCPSzZzDcD9FhvdcRjcV0wB9dKtiNAr_sJKxz6jyHb8_1KcnGlcgJD5xZxc&s=1 newsinsideout/2015/01/roundtable-pleiadian-nuke-destroyed-mars-ecology-cheney-ran-mars-colony-corporation/ The gig is going to be up shortly. https://m.facebook/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutube%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DSmRU6WLQesc&h=FAQEDsj0t&enc=AZPj7i32mFTw9bP-g6inNcnyLAKRWrPo6C7u7dlcvwtZvlGBrBsBdLI0MtM4AjD1eA41V534W4xnsNmi4V0JF3Pe&s=1 https://m.facebook/usauncut/photos/a.190167221017767.44131.186219261412563/671037232930761/?type=1&source=48&refid=17&_ft_&__tn__=E Ask jp Morgan if hes ashamed of worshiping Satan and doing his bidding, he is one of them top Elites everyone is lookng at right now, to throw into containment for mental illness healing for the rest of their lives in Jesus Christ name. Forced Taxation by the threat of jail or prison time, enforced by Police with their Curruted Freemasons Cult members Judges by taking your money from anyone, to give to someone else, is big time Fraud with no ones consent with their signatures is big Scam of Fraud! and is a lengthy prison term to them all and bad governments that we all! right now are watching big time, bigger picture of Humanity. You have your own Children, do you really want pure Evil to get in full swing while your life and Children and Loved one get destroyed. Or be a good sport about all this, and help join us all in a really cool new adventure under our Souls Creator Father God, when they abandoned you few, yous were to give the agenda up, so that we Humanity could wake up the way we wanted to, and to be good sports about all this. In Jesus Christ name Demons stand down NOW!. Shame Shame Shame! For Gods sake. Jesus Christ Help us Please. Thank you Father God in Jesus Christ name. And this Financial hardship has to stop in Jesus Christ name Now!. Thank you Jesus Christ we Love you. Demons be gone off of this planet and stay off this planet for good Now! S.O.S in Jesus Christ name Mother Earth has an unlimited! amount of wealth of equity for all of her humanity to live by, with are God-given inheritance of at least $2000 each!, and every month, for all basic!, needs that God created us theres no reason to follow Satans Corrupted systems anymore or his members currupted systems any more, keep in mind now that Father God is watch us now, and all knees will bow before God, coming out of the infancy of Creation now, Bigger picture. Father God We the People S.O.S from Mother Earth are asking you now to wake all of your! Souls up that came from you, and are still an extension of your soul Father God in Jesus Christ name we ask you for this favor hallelujah Thank you Father God in Jesus Christ name Thank you. Love yous. The gas prices when down, Human can go farther in miles and they will, just because they can do it now with cheaper gas prices, so bad government will make the same Taxes in the long run. And we all know that when the price of gas goes back up, the new Taxes will stay in as a scam of Fraud, bigger picture of the Cults game over Humanitys Elites babysitters, and all their childish mental illnesses over us all, because most all Humanitys 49% on gross income goes straight to Elite Queen Of England, Stephan Harper said on the suns new network that 22 million dollars eaçh and every year, goes to Elite German Nazi Family Queen of England. Bigger picture. Now the Elite workers called bad government want to Tax us all again and again and again and they always lie all the time, even more with a new tax because of your farts that all plant life needs, to give us oxygen back, so were actually doing plantlife a good thing and they dont make any sense these mentally ill, taxing everything of the design of God is blast Messi against our souls Creator father gone. Do not consent with these Satan worshippers by government or the elite were the ones they work for the Annunaki which answer to the Fallen Angels, which your Bible warns us all about, bigger picture. Benjamin Rothschild Islamic propaganda they are to blame yet they blame others for there own society Like · More · 4 hours ago Linda Says Hello Their are! The .001%ers in every Country, but they are not! Human, and they are not from this planet, and Im tired of Humanity getting blamed for all this Evil mess, if you are Human, are not you.?
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:39:43 +0000

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