1) Position - TopicsExpress

   1) Position yourself on all fours with the shoulders in a vertical line over your wrists and your hips in a vertical line over your knees. Make your pelvis neutral (sacrum level) and elongate your spine in a horizontal line away from the pelvis. 2) Walk your hands forward 12 inches and then Stamp the ground with the hands and fingers. Stabilize your arms and shoulders. 3) Lift your hips up and away from your hands. Momentarily bend the knees, move the pubic bone back between the legs and lift the sitting bones. 4) Press the inner thighs back to straighten the legs. Continue to press the thigh back strongly, see if you can make the thigh bones move deeper into your legs. 5) Press the hands into the earth, ground the legs and then elongate your spine along a descending diagonal line from the pelvis through the crown of the head. 6) Steady your gaze between your upper inner thighs, or gaze further up the body towards the navel while maintaining the integrity of your neck and head position. 7) Focus on stabilizing your torso, sucking the front ribs up towards the spine and using your shoulders and arms for bracing as you allow your spine to evenly dip down into the body and towards the ground. Using your torso, ribs, shoulders, arms and hands to oppose the dipping of your spine will ensure that you don’t ‘sag’ into and strain your shoulders, creating such opposition will also ensure that you maintain a clean unbroken energetic line from the pelvis down through the length of the spine, neck and head, and also through the shoulders, arms, and down through the hands into the ground. 8) Breathe freely along the central axis from the root support at your pelvic base to the root of the palate (a sacred area known as Khecari, the maker of the element space). Empty out your palate as you breathe, and watch Khecari Mudra (The Maker of Space Seal) awaken the process of discernment through inward seeing, listening, feeling. 9) Create an uddhyana bandha action, hollow your belly, suck the abdomen, cause your stomach to ‘fly up’, make your navel touch your spine. Pressing the thighs back will help bring the greyhound dog shape to your belly that characterizes Uddhyana Bandha. 10) Scan your posture with pervasive inward awareness, and allow your entire body to become receptive to the actions that you are using to create your posture. By orienting your breathing and awareness from the area of Khecari (palate) you can drop into expressing the qualities of ease and relaxation in the midst of your application of will and dynamism. 11) Make your posture a Maha Mudra, a great inward seal of awareness, adopt a half smile, empty your palate and your gaze, and enjoy your powerful, fluid, immovable stance!
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 13:53:48 +0000

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