AMERICA, AND LEADERS OF MANY NATIONS………..THE GOOD SAMARITAN WHO HEALS…..UNDER CHRIST JESUS, KING OF THE WORLD (St. Luke 10: 30-37)…………… ……….ON THE ANIVERSARY of lives lost in 911 thirteen years ago……I WAS reading the USA TODAY paper and how our President, Barack Obama… part of a united nations group to help alleviate suffering of those persecuted by terrorists who feel a desire to FORCE the world to their beliefs. One thing Mr. Obama has always seemed to have, and that is the ability to bring people together for a RIGHTEOUS COALITION. He obvisouly is appointed to look out for American interests, and that is good. GOD can use him to help bring about more freedom around the world, so that OTHERS can be able to accept Christ, without unnecessary persecution. IT IS A GOOD effort to prevent human catastrophes, genocide, and bring INALIENABLE human rights to citizens of many nations. I BELIEVE GOD is on HIS side in this mission. And I hope we as CHRISTIAN AMERICANS are too. I HOPE we pray, because as we sometimes have to use military might, innocent civilians can be hurt in the effort to weed out those who are like dictators and abusers of other humans who do not share their wicked beliefs. SO I HOPE we as CHRISTIAN AMERICANS and CHRISTIANS in other nations, and people who ENJOY MUCH FREEDOM….PRAY for him and other nations and leaders who simply want to HEAL what satan has tried to destroy. I do believe and pray, this will also help the presidents legacy as a MAN OF PEACE…….and LOVE. Yes…a president has to make hard decisions sometimes and carefully. BUT in the takes slight war….to bring PEACE………and GOD does avenge, when humans pray, speak the word, stand their ground and defend others. I’m personally proud of our presidents, local, state, and nationally leaders who stand with this cause. Religious or not…….WE in AMERICA believe in FREEDOM….it is a VALUABLE gift…………. ………….. EVEN the bible says, WHERE THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST IS…………HALLELUJAH…there is LIBERTY……..of FREE WILL CHOICE to any human……I honestly think this will help prevent another 911 terrorist act in ANY nation. As those who have VIOLENTLY CHOSEN to rise up…….THEY NEED to learn, THERE IS A GOD IN HEAVEN and a PEOPLE on earth..who will not allow this. IT’S not what ‘evil’ men do that count. BUT WHAT RIGHTEOUS people do afterwards to combat it……………………… …………….In the story in the bible, a man was robbed, beaten and left for dead. (READ ST. LUKE 10: 30-37) A priest, which represents a person of GOD, and a Levite who represents one of a priestly tribe passed by. Both left the man yet for dead. Maybe they were busy with what they felt was GOD’S work. But a Samaritan, who wasn’t considered the most righteous thing to be, saw the man. He bound up the mans wounds and put oil in them to prevent more infection. Then he put the man on his own beast. Took him to a near by town, and got him a room. He told the inn keeper to take care of the man, and when he came back, he would pay whatever it costs. ………………..JESUS CHRIST told us this parable as humans, Americans, people, and Christians. He then asks us INDIVIDUALLY and COLLECTIVELY as people and nations, “WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT WHAT THIS SAMARITAN DID?” He probably paused as THIS ACT OF COMPASSION set into the minds and hearts of whoever was listening. Then JESUS said, “GO AND DO LIKEWISE or the same.”………………………………..WE may not always agree on morals, principles, spirituality, religion or earthly philosphies. But whether Jew or Gentile. Black, white, hispanic, african, asian, filipino, european, pakistanian, Iranian, Syrian, Arab, Egypt, jewish, christian, muslim, budhists, hindu, catholic or atheist………young, old, rich, poor, educated or not so much……………………………WE can all learn from this parable. LET’S pray for those who have communed, planned, and prepared to do battle with this atrocious philosophy of killing, hurtiing those who do not share our beliefs phsically. I’m a brother in Christ, and sometimes say a ‘prophet to nations’ and world wide intercessor, and SIMPLE CHRISTIAN….I pray for wisdom for our leaders, and healing of those terrorized. I THANK GOD, we still live in a WORLD…of GOOD SAMARITANS………………………no WEAPON FORMED AGAINST GOD’S WILL, will prosper……………….
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 23:52:16 +0000

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