Until the philosophy which hold one - TopicsExpress

   Until the philosophy which hold one raceSuperior and another inferiorIs finally and permanently discredited and abandonedEverywhere is war, me say war That until there are no longer first classAnd second class citizens of any nationUntil the colour of a mans skinIs of no more significance than the colour of his eyesMe say war That until the basic human rights are equallyGuaranteed to all, without regard to raceDis a war That until that dayThe dream of lasting peace, world citizenshipRule of international moralityWill remain in but a fleeting illusionTo be pursued, but never attainedNow everywhere is war, war And until the ignoble and unhappy regimesThat hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique, South Africa sub-human bondageHave been toppled, utterly destroyedWell, everywehre is war, me say war War in the east, war in the westWar up north, war down southWar, war, rumours of war And until that day, the African continentWill not know peace, we Africans will fight We find it necessary and we know we shall winAs we are confident in the victory Of good over evil, good over evil, good over evilGood over evil, good over evil, good over evil (We dont need) No, we dont need (no more trouble) no more trouble! (We dont need no more trouble) Wo! Oh-oh-oh! (We dont need) We dont need no (no more) trouble! We dont need no trouble! (We dont need no more trouble) Make love and not war! Cause we dont need no trouble. What we need is love (love) To guide and protect us on. (on) If you hope good down from above, (love) Help the weak if you are strong now. (love) We dont need no trouble; What we need is love. Oh, no! We dont need - we dont need - no more trouble! Lord knows, we dont need no trouble! (We dont need) We dont need trouble (no more trouble) - no more trouble - no more trouble! Seek happiness! (...) Oh, ...! Come on, you all and speak of love. (...) Oh, yeah! We dont need no trouble; What we need is love, now. (What we need is love!) (We dont need) Oh, we dont need no more trouble! We dont need, no - we dont need no trouble! We dont (need) - no, brothers and sisters ... (no more trouble!) We dont need no trouble; we dont need no trouble! We dont need no trouble! What we need is love! We dont need - we dont need no more - we dont need - no more trouble - we dont need no more trouble! Trouble we dont need (we dont need), (We dont need) Lord, knows! - we dont need no more war (no more trouble). No more trouble - we dont need no more - more trouble
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 18:37:37 +0000

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