Published on 12 Mar 2014 Professor John - TopicsExpress

   Published on 12 Mar 2014 Professor John Robertson of the University of the West of Scotland said there had been collusion among Scotlands mainstream media and he condemned fellow academics for not supporting his work, saying it amounted to thought control in a democracy. Professor Robertson, a media researcher with 30 years academic experience, is a supporter of independence and describes himself as a socialist, a pacifist, a feminist and an anti-imperialist. He rejects the SNP because it supports Nato membership and accuses Scottish Labour of being fatally corrupt. He told a Holyrood committee: I am sorry if this seems a bit dramatic, over-the-top, but its been a very stressful month. I would like to condemn the silence and collusion of almost all of Scotlands mainstream media in suppressing my research despite its massive online presence. Its online presence is a news item which has been ignored; I have my suspicions but I dont know for certain. I would like to condemn the silence of almost all Scottish academics with an interest in this field who might have been expected to challenge censorship of intellectual material. I have been personally hurt by the above combination of threat from a powerful institution, theres been no horses head in my bed yet, I suppose thats something. I interpret the above as an attempt at thought control in a democracy and of all democracies the one I like the best and I am very upset by that.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 01:41:37 +0000

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