A Definite End is the Beginning If you - TopicsExpress

   A Definite End is the Beginning If you go on a trip you must have a final destination in mind or else you will wonder around until you run out of gas or time. Too many of us wonder around without a definite end game. Sure we want to make money but the bigger purpose is what do we want to contribute to the world. The problem we have is we run out of energy and quit or we give up because there is not enough time in our life. The Law of Success was designed to stimulate your mind so you will find your way through this maze we call life. Singleness of purpose is essential for success which is hard to come by with all the distractions in the world today. Look around and you will see most people in their own little world in the form of the smart phone. The mind requires requires a variety of exercises for its development, just like the physical body. You need an energetic mind stimuli to keep the mind active. Nothing wrong with watching a little TV but too much leads to TV programming. I remember when there were a half dozen TV channels and at a certain time they would lower the US flag and go off the air. Now there are a hundred channels and 24 hour TV. Napoleon Hill recommended that you keep a pen and a note book handy to take notes. Ideas will come to you as you study the material. Jim Rohn recommended that we keep a journal to keep notes. He said dont trust your memory write things down while the idea is fresh. At the end of the course you could have a collection of ideas to follow to change your life-plan. You are about to begin a journey that many will not understand. Napoleon Hill told about the story the Greenland Eskimo who visited New york city. He saw it all and when he went back home he tried to tell others about it, they just would not believe him. They though he was nuts and he died a liar. Another Eskimo visited the big apple later but didnt go into detail when he got back home, he talked about things they would understand. He just talked about the wild game that was available. When you begin your journey of self discovery some of your friends may not understand you. Its the same thing when you decide to venture out into the entrepreneurial world. They wont understand. But its your life. Nothing is more tragic than mental inertia. For every ten men who are physically lazy there are ten thousand with stagnant minds. Remember the commercial that said that a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Now its, you want to do what? Are you nuts? Why would you want to do that? You got such a good job. I tell it like it is not like you want it. There is no such thing as something for nothing. You get what you pay for and yes, if you want to change your life you got to work for it. Success is the development of mind power to get whatever you want, without interfering with the right of others. Its using organized energy or effort to get things done. There is always strength in numbers. Join the community and become empower to be a better you. Do your own thing and learn about the newest frontier, the internet. This has been straight talk, beast mode. Join the think and grow rich mastermind and get the book. Get the book! Get the book is what the man yelled to his wife when he saw the meteor that was headed toward earth in that movie Armageddon. H.G.M.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 06:33:01 +0000

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