I know this page is supposed to be an up - TopicsExpress

   I know this page is supposed to be an up lifting one, but flow with me for a bit everyone. And LaRon Williams forgive me if you dont like it. I added the song because its how I feel when I have to stop to take my meds. But... Ive been battling myself inside myself with MS for almost 7 diagnosed years coming up in July, but symptoms 2 years prior. Ive been on 4 commonly used treatments (one of them twice😒) along with Scitoxan which was a form of chemotherapy. Currently, I am on a treatment not typically used to fight MS. Rituxan is commonly prescribed for Cancer patients. My MRI shows nothing new and no activity. So I guess I SHOULD BE happy with that... I am. Dont get me wrong, but Im tired of fighting myself! Lord I know youve chosen your strongest children to defeat what the world may see as seemingly IMPOSSIBLE... Family, understand lifes battles dont go to the stronger or faster man. Instead, to those that THINK they can. And Im so overjoyed knowing that what we are facing is but temporary! The pain of this life is just that and if we allow it. Itll teach us lessons no person could in unforgettable ways. Sickness cant follow us into eternity. Thusly, I refuse to be reminded of the hurt caused by the stepping stone that others may view as a stumbling block along my path. No worry of the now. I am looking at eternity instead....
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 08:07:33 +0000

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