Bless the Lord All u Saints shed abroad, I - TopicsExpress

   Bless the Lord All u Saints shed abroad, I came to minister out of my struggle as all we who are called to the for front as trail blazers do, Job didnt sin yet he had to go thru, even Joseph was tried by the word but as a leader in Christ often we have to go thru things first so we have the faith to lead others thru the same thing, As Mosess had to wander 40 years in the wilderness to lead others in the wilderness, and as the 12 spys with Caleb and Joshua had to spy out the promise land had to go first to have the faith to lead to the promise land so it is with us leaders or even believers, I have found as the word states in Joel often when I am weak then I am strong in the spirit of the Lord, I have recently been blessed with a job and always with me my job when Im working ties into my ministry and where I work I some days start at 3 am so I have to get up at least by 2 am to get ready, these are prime hours for a seasoned Intercessor to loose some of the most powerful prayers, I didnt get much sleep the night before as I was in the mid week service going to bed late but a sacrifice needed, I started off strong praying in the spirit for a few hours and praising the Lord as worked, But later received a negative report for I am going thru a healing season and its been difficult coming out of this last assignment when I was relocated about 7 months ago, We all love to sing we won the war but truth be said u can win a war but u will loose some battles, and it takes a chunk out of u especially in the Intercessory realm, The enemy has been hard after me seeing my season of reaping is near and we know he dont fight fair he always hits u when your down or weak, often sad to say the vultures in the flesh or so called friends to the same like a pack of lions or sharks sense blood and go for the kill, thats how u see who are your real friends and who arent , any way I was tired from working in around 10 below zero temperature and back to this negative report, I heard it and it sapped my strength, I felt like David and this word came to me spirit ----( 2Sam.3 1.[39] And I am this day weak, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah be too hard for me: the LORD shall reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness.) But I came here as David aswell to give that Devil a black eye with his own invention and declare NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME/US (((SHALL))) PROSPER, AND EVERY TONGUE THAT RISES AGAINST ME IN JUDGEMENT I/WE (((SHALL)))CONDEMN!!! Amen Isa.54 1.[17] No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD. All things work together and I want to encourage my self in the Lord and u, Where moving forward and often those who are being chiseled for greatness are being refined again, and again, and again as painful as it is, and I have experienced Isolation like never before but the Lord gave me a word it was painful Isolation like u could feel it in the spirit painful, but the Lord gave me a word for that, Isolation equals revelation, which produces TRANSFORMATION, GLORY TO GOD I FEEL THAT, I hope this word reachs those who are going thru, and blesses them ,remember all we go thru cant compare to one day inn hell, and we must strive to be thankful no matte how hard our flesh and the devil fight us, bless u with the love of Christ and shalom!!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 20:50:05 +0000

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