Osifu十大願 The Ten Great Vows of - TopicsExpress

   Osifu十大願 The Ten Great Vows of Osifu Osifu大願:成就祥和宇宙。 The great vow of Osifu: To accomplish an auspicious universe. Osifu大願:成就平衡宇宙。 The great vow of Osifu: To accomplish a balanced universe. Osifu大願:成就圓滿宇宙。 The great vow of Osifu: To accomplish a perfect universe. Osifu大願:億靈圓滿回歸。 The great vow of Osifu: To help all sentient beings to accomplish the perfect returning. Osifu大願:億靈圓滿歸源。 The great vow of Osifu: To help all sentient beings to return to the original source perfectly. Osifu大願:億靈圓滿規律。 The great vow of Osifu: To help all sentient beings to be in perfect accord with cosmic principles. Osifu大願:不遺一靈。 The great vow of Osifu: Never abandon a single being. Osifu大願:大救度、大同修、大回歸。 The great vow of Osifu: To dedicate to Great Salvation, Great Cultivation and Great Returning. Osifu大願:永做行者。順道而行,順應宇宙規律而行,順應自然法則而行,順應科學而行,演眾妙法,造福蒼生,普濟億靈。 The great vow of Osifu: To be a practitioner forever and perform following the Way, complying with the cosmic laws, the natural rules and the science; to demonstrate all kinds of wonderful Dharmas; to bring bliss to all under the Heaven and rescue all beings. Osifu大願:遊化十方,隨緣示現。無名無姓,無始無終。無教無宗、無門無派。圓融圓通,無二無別。慈悲奉獻,光愛一切...... The great vow of Osifu: To go about preaching and converting the living beings of ten directions and manifesting in accordance with circumstances. To be nameless and titleless without start or end. To be irreligious and nonsectarian without denomination or specific group. To integrate harmoniously and accommodate smoothly without duality or differentiation. To compassionately devote and give light and love to everything … 此乃Osifu十大願,人天共鑒,佛聖同明,日日踐行,時時精勤。 Those are ten great vows of Osifu. May the Heaven and Man inspect them. May Buddhas and Sages perceive them. I will practice and implement dedicatedly every day and work diligently at any moment. 願佛護念,天地為證。 May the Buddhas support and protect me. May the Heaven and the Earth identify the vows. 2011-6-19 07:24:15 07:24:15, June 19th, 2011 Additional explanation: The symbol 〇 is pronounced as [liŋ], which is neither the Arabic number 0, nor the letter O. There are many esoteric meanings of 〇, just name a few: It may look like a circle but it symbolizes perfect completion and emptiness, and it also contains the meanings of the origin and the destination. English Version was Translated by Osifu’s Teachings Translation Group
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 04:11:17 +0000

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