(Anthony J Hilder) “Dear conspiracy Buff: - TopicsExpress

   (Anthony J Hilder) “Dear conspiracy Buff: It is my thesis that the Malaysian Kuala Lumpur flight which headed off towards Java made another turn headed towards Diego Garcia and landed in the territory of the highly secretive Island and was guided towards a secret undetectable landing strip fully capable of handling the Malaysian Plane and that the entire scenario was a covert mission of the U.S. Military for whatever God knows mission and thus was deliberately made to lose sight of the rest of the world. Why else could this happen or would this happen. Diego Garcia has the capacity the landing strip and the U.S. Military has the capacity and the reason to hide this most secret flight. Maybe its not so secret at all... Area 51 has avoided detection by the Nellis Air Force Base not that far out of Las Vegas. So why not Diego Garcia which most likely operates under the same secrecy as would operate under a U.S. Naval facility literally hiding right before our eyes. From my conclusion that the U.S. Military that has the capacity to hide in plain sight this secrecy to cover a nuclear atrocity that is yet to happen. How else could it happen and where in the world would it happen? If they are rotten enough to pull off 911 and get away with it … the Spy agencies in the US Government and State dept is capable of pulling this incident off and keep it totally hidden from the U.S. Public. They are certainly dumb enough ...The American public... to buy the bait and they buy everything else theyve bought everything else the Council On Foreign Relations Evilarchy has offered for sale.... Why not buy the 911 atrocity. You know that was a damned lie. Where else could you expect a stunt like this pulled off...outside of Borneo and Madagascar, Tasmania, Turkestan or the south pole. Diego Garcia would be the first or the most likely suspect under the cover of the U.S. Military. The objective being a nuclear deception. Diego has a landing strip that is long enough and secret enough to pull it off. I may be near totally incompus mentus in so far as my decapacity in analyzing world secrets...but Im not stupid. That is my thesis. Anthony Hilder says it is U.S. Military B.S. And you can quote me. The Council on Foreign Relations and Skull and Bones know exactly where it is. This thing did not crash in the Himalayas, Turkmenistan. The facts have been carefully covered in plain sight. The craft only was capable of landing undetected by the Malaysian, Chinese and Australian and Vietnamese military. I dont know what reason this was done but it was done deliberately with design. Diego Garcia is where the plane was landed with the capacity to cover this story up. This damned thing didnt land where Captain Cook survivors were in the Pitcairn Islands or in Micronesia. ”
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 23:16:39 +0000

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