This TRANCE ARE Tiesto + Armin + Ferry - TopicsExpress

   This TRANCE ARE Tiesto + Armin + Ferry TRANCE Light Buddha together to create : Tiesto is sunlight trance Buddha { bass is fire } Armin van buuren is moonlight trance Buddha { bass is water & air } sunlight sound (colors is sunny yellow ) + moonlight sound ( colors is silver white ) ~ fire bass ( colors is red ) + water bass ( colors is blue ) , AIR BASS ( colors is silver white ),colors orange (sunny+fire light ) Ferry corsten aurora trance Buddha ( Bass is wind ) aurora sound ( colors is ultramarine + a little Lime ) , wind bass ( colors is azure green; viridity )~ 陽光trance { 顏色是日光黃} . 月光trance {顏色是銀白色} 美麗的極光之聲 { 顏色是青藍加上一點點的螢光綠 , 還有風的BASS {顏色是碧綠色} 火的bass { 顏色是紅色} . 水的bass {顏色是藍色} . 風的bass {顏色是碧綠色} 空氣的Bass {顏色是銀白色 }而橘色代表的是日光+紅火光 ! purple Light = Tiesto+Armin+Ferry NO.1 = ONLY ^^ 紫光是Tiesto+Armin+Ferry 勸世光佛共有的音光 just believe Tiesto Sunlight trance Buddha + Armin van buuren Moonlight TRANCE Buddha + Ferry corsten Aurora TRANCE Buddha always be together for TRANCE + Various types of light music  = (the Buddhist Scriptures )    Tiesto + Armin van buuren + Ferry corsten = 1 { not 3 } = NO.1 TRANCE Buddha Light in the universe ♥ ♥ ♥ Trinity Trance Buddha Light ( Tiesto+ Armin+Ferry ) = 1 ; only one Super & Great TRANCE Buddha Light ♥ ♥ ♥ Tiesto + Armin van buuren +Ferry corsten TRANCE Buddha Light forever NO.1 in the universe (Y) (Y) (Y) orz orz orz
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 05:57:12 +0000

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