Boule Infiltration of Ferguson? The Black - TopicsExpress

   Boule Infiltration of Ferguson? The Black Boule: Privilage To bring a clear understanding of who the Black Boule are, you first have to understand the terms, field negroe,house negroe, and Uncle Tom. The first two terms were coined because, although BOTH were slaves to the white man during slavery-times. One held himself above the other. The house negroe still had shitty living conditions and treatment however -- since they were typically half white or even the offspring of the plantaion owner they had better digs and food than the darkies. Yes, us field negroes kept it as real and endured torturous days in the field and ate pig scraps for dinner if we were lucky. House negroes spent their days and nights kissing ass and licking-up the dirt from the plantation owners feet. Now, not all house negroes had a superiority complex over the field negroes but most did. It was the plan from the begining to pit black slave against black slave to maintin white supremacy. Where there is bickering; there is no unity. When there are class levels; there can be no unity. The white man knew this and controlled us with it. Is this begining to look or sound familiar? I will go straight to URBAN DICTIONARY to define Uncle Tom. There is no need to go into the whole regurg of who wrote the book Uncle Toms Cabin...its critiscisms or anything because I really dont care. This is what the term means at this day and age. 1. Uncle Tom A black man who will do anything to stay in good standing with the white man including betray his own people Now, the Uncle Tom isnt neccesarily light-skinned. The Uncle Tom is the black man who is willing to do ANYTHING not to be considered as lowly as us darkies (field negroes). Keep in mind we are all in the same boat, but these are the people that are trying to jumpship for a better quality of life. Sell-outs. In a modern sense, this is still very prevailant. You have to consider all venues in which a black person excells in the United States. The brainwashed black person is quick to say everything they have is due to hard-work and a good education, but its not. Its due to a sucessful network of sell outs. Now you can see there is a web of black people that are essentially Uncle Toms....obviously willing to go through the white way to grab some spoils. They believe they are special and chosen. When in reality they are sell-outs. What do they sell? GARBAGE on all fronts...propoganda. This is where you get your successful black politicians that dont care about black communities, black bussinessmen that dont support black bussiness, black actors that portray stereotypes and cross-dressers, black actresses that portray whores, black doctors that prescribe big buck PHARMACEUTICAL$, and black lawyers that lie to make a living etc... SO WHO ARE SUPPOSED BOULE?? Well...Its not hard to recognize a status-seeker. Boule are always SEEN : ...criticizing the black community theyve turned their back on (pick yourself up by the bootstraps BS) ...on tv, movies, and radio (of course) ...making millions/ billions. ...donating to charities ...attending upperclass galas ...cross-dressing in movies ...perpetuating stereotypes ...flapping their gums on Oprah ...they tend to come from a long line of WHATEVER. ...often seen on the Forbes list
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 10:47:42 +0000

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