Streams of Living Water If we could - TopicsExpress

   Streams of Living Water If we could only grasp, take hold of, believe in...that deep down inside we can be nourished by the everlasting streams of God. There are streams of refreshment down deep in each of our lives. Streams that feed our souls, give meaning to our life, no matter where we are in life....In joyous or grieving times that gives us all the nourishment we need to not only infuse our tasks with Joy but also to spread joy to others. How do we tap into Gods everlasting streams? Drink from his word. Bring your thirsty soul to him. Soak in his love as you lean against his chest and discuss your days ahead. Invite him to splash his love into every moment. Everlasting streams never run dry. It doesnt matter that you feel like youre in a dry desert, or that the wilderness ahead looks rough and unknown. We bring His streams along us, from deep within our soul, welling up to give us all that we need to keep moving forward. Drinking deeply.....Heavenly Father saturate my mind, heart and emotions with your refreshment. John 7:38~whoever believes in me, as scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 15:21:02 +0000

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