Six years ago this Saturday a great teacher, - TopicsExpress

   Six years ago this Saturday a great teacher, coach and father came to the end of the line. He was never a rich man because of wealth but was rich with those that respected and loved him. In the last few years before he passed he was in terrible pain but pushed on never complaining. There are always people that will either be jealous or just hateful but I rarely heard a person talk badly about my father. This weekend I found out one of those people that uses another to get attention and is attempting to smear my fathers memory in order to play the victim . It saddens me because this person knows the truth and decides to change it to make himself look like a victim. I will not stand by and allow anyone to drag my dads name through the mud for their personal gain.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 07:04:05 +0000

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