The 120 Elite Illuminati Freemason top - TopicsExpress

   The 120 Elite Illuminati Freemason top ones 1%ers on this video, are the ones everyone on this planet needs to do them mass arrest Citizens arrest, and all their money will become Humanitys for their War Crimes to us. These are the Bloodline of Satan himself, the serpent race of Psychopath, Sociopath Possessed Souls from our Creator God!. Mental Illnesss. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151770545663842&set=a.164527493841.118396.147823328841&type=1&relevant_count=1 Sounds like Elite Hitlers Agenda 21 Laws, A. Wake up because it is!. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=591238624268788&set=a.136108909781764.23145.100001479684094&type=1&relevant_count=1 Survival of the fittest!. Timeline is running out Humanity Planet, all Souls here from God!. No one on this planet has enough money to lean the whole world like they are doing. Its monopoly made up money they say you owe them back. You see how dept is fake so that we think we are all slaves to them, and they the Elite running everything right now for Satan the Devil Lucifer. Please wake up world. The Gods are disappointed in right now, please wake up to help like Iceland did, Peacefully please. Even Egypt got rid of Satans Brotherhood in there federal government. Now Natives are waking up to this group. Unite World Souls against this bad 1%ers. 2012 Cabal Arrests / Departures shared a link. October 17 near Milwaukee, WI, United States Something ..Did you know that GMO foods are SOAKED in RoundUp herbicide? (among other Evils).. The Attorney Generals Office alleges the GMA established the Defense of Brands Strategic Account within its organization and asked members to pay assessments that would be used to oppose I-522 GMO Labeling). GMA then funded opposition efforts while shielding contributors names from public disclosure. youtube/watch?v=CIpaZiJCyXQ All of the Demonic Illuminati Freemason Cult, Occults disasters in the USA have made up there pentagon shape, research where the last line goes. Bigger picture about to happen if you dont stop this group that controls all federal fake government systems. Mark my words UNITE, its survival of the fittest. You have! Eternity with your Soul, do you really! want to keep coming back into a bigger mess on Mother Earth guys, i think not.! Satan the Devil Lucifer is a Fallen! Angel, not! a God. Fallen from our, Creator Gods Grace. God calls them Demons for a reason, Satan is! a Master deceiver and Liar!. Notice the Nazi names. Rog Escobar And Im sure most people will think this is good. Thinking about how many have died to get this petro dollar is sick. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151914324424411&set=a.10150144237704411.295789.326683984410&type=1&relevant_count=1 Please put your name on this petition and hit send to help!. Its very short, name and postal code, then send, I mean, how cool. Please get the word out to the rest of them, Thank you so much. This is your chance to make a stand, and get your politicians to stand up for you for once and make Marijuana Legal again! for you. This guy is not some guy on your street corner, this guy is a politician then can do something for you, if you just speech up. If you dont speech up, then they listen to the Elite, and how has that worked out for us guys. It was alway Legal, until Elite Hitlers error!. Research is needed now, and tons of products and jobs guys with this plant. patriotsforamerica.ning/profiles/blogs/how-the-constitution-was Ellen Bryant USDA, FDA, etc., belong to the largest Corporation in the World, US(A)... Wake up....We are not represented in WashDC. This is not a Republic and not a Democracy... Your VOTE only counts when it is in the best interests of the MEGA-CORP(SE) that rules this Nations PLUTOCRACY (Governance by the wealthy for the wealthy). This Nation is The United States Corporation. Our Constitution has been dormant since 1871 ::: patriotsforamerica.ning/... https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=532255216860483&set=a.203331373086204.51638.181924628560212&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151914324424411&set=a.10150144237704411.295789.326683984410&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf Sick! Childish Bullies!, Humanity, you watch it, and do nothing, shame on you!. When is it enough is enough!, when its you, maybe. If you dont believe theres a problem, you will not do anything!, your running out of time to deny it all away, but will you research anything, is what you need to ask your self Humanity. Timeline is at hand, and is running out for you and this planet, your Bible warned you, and it was probably Satans Evil doers that wrote the Bible to warn you what they had in store for us. So be forewarned! You will not be able to do anything, soon. If a few, was to surround this Evil one, and trip him, and all! climb on top of his chest, this will take the fight right out of him Humanity, and you dont need an army or weapon to do this, you just have to unite together Humanity to get this job done. thestateweekly/parents-outraged-over-school-districts-common-core-questions-religion-assault-rifles-and-more/ https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=439014582870448&set=a.414246358680604.1073741828.414125905359316&type=1&relevant_count=1 You know how many years he has been talking about this same free trade, research what it really means with this Elite Hitlers membership and there New World Order scam for you, and this will make you sick to your stomach, for real guys. He can run!, but he cant hide for much longer about the tons of questions Humanity has waiting for him about most of his Senate members Corruption of Fraud over $5000.00 Dollars and there Prison term sentence! that is long, over due now. Tell the rest of them, that if they come forwards now with the truth of there real agenda and all of what they were told to say and do, youll start to see a much bigger picture come into focus. And if they do, they will not serve any time if they come forth with this information to the People. Be forewarned though, we will not wait long. youtube/attribution_link?a=a9AvAec4Pn6AQ5q7UCV2XA&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DU_Gi6cf-jiI%26feature%3Dshare Elite Bill Gates Fathers ideas of this Population Reduction of Humanity of 95% of us. Notice the pixels just on his skin only, if you were to take a close up video of his face, and slow it down by 55%, you will see his Demon!, for real!. Owner and creator of Microsoft!, be forewarned. These special Demonic Demons are called Human Reptilians, research is needed!. Could you imagine Humanity changing the currency on them, and leaving them more broke than us, comes to mind. Bigger picture yet to come!. Hint hint. youtube/watch?v=uznZEMeV7uA&feature=share&list=PLQv2hQoEi4Tw-TeJl0DztcIgU7oEvxlG5 bloomberg/news/2013-10-13/big-banks-can-be-dismantled-say-u-s-and-u-k-regulators.html https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ojS4zGDc4JI rt/news/gchq-surveillance-eu-court-743/ youtube/watch?v=iQFFK20wOD0&feature=share Its time now Humanity to follow suit. youtube/attribution_link?u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DDlpeIrnKXG8%26feature%3Dshare&a=7LTc1ZerS5VRQ_z2DVAUJw As the new session of parliament reopens, Gov. Gen. David Johnston gets ready to deliver his speech from the throne, which is expected to focus on jobs and the economy. Watch the reading from the Senate chamber LIVE HERE: Get reaction from opposition parties LIVE as it happens: Read the full update HERE: https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=523267861081427&set=a.140461122695438.35463.134756069932610&type=1&relevant_count=1 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=489402704490285&set=a.289334674497090.58214.287532461343978&type=1&relevant_count=1 And when there is one, We the People will be coming after these ones first. Bigger picture.! We the People call upon you Jesus Christ to cleanse this planet of all! Demon possession of any and all! Souls on this Planet!. Thank you Jesus Christ!. The Gods are not going to help you, if you dont think that there is anything problems. And if you are still struggling with not knowing who Jesus Christ is, then I suggest you say these words to get to get down to the truth of things to be!, in your future, Say out loud, Jesus Christ Help me Please!. Do it as an experiment for yourself, if you really dont believe. Youll see, youll wake up. And I would not!, lead you into harms way. Theres enough Demonic truth out here, for one to stay blinded to it all. youtube/attribution_link?u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DiFDe5kUUyT0%26feature%3Dshare&a=3XAv4va6NudTwn_fFQv64A youtube/watch?v=WIRiwzP7Opo https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=560921617318812&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 rt/news/canadian-fracking-protest-erupts-violence-333/ The only Men in Canada with the Real Balls to try and save our Planet from bad fake government that sold out to the Devil Satan and his system of evil doers thats going to bite even them on the ass with tons of different reasons, and they know it to. Thank you! Soul Brothers and Sisters, lets Hope! this wakes up all DNAS on this Planet!. rt/news/snowden-russia-china-documents-332/ https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=562027083874932&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=561135560630751&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=562029930541314&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=561382770606030&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 thewildernessofmirrors.wordpress/2013/09/13/55-miles-long-4-lanes-wide-no-wonder-the-news-is-silent-on-this-revolution/ Debt deals done, but is it just furthering our debt addiction? Whats your take on my The Washington Times column? Scams go on... because no one researches the real truth. The truth is Peoples taxes are way... more then enough to pay all the bills, and then have tons to steal for the Elite and the bad Jewish (Elite Hitler) Elite German Banksters that changed their names from Germany to Jewish, and bailouts to the Cult memberships...... bigger picture of the truth!. Like for instance, Stephen Harper just say that he gives annually 20 Billion all the time to ELITE QUEEN OF ENGLAND, do you see a bigger picture. Stephen Harper said he warned the Queen not to do with that country, or he was going to stop giving her this money annual, it was on CBC NEWS or the National, I think last week. Check it out. So one has to ask themselves, why all the cutbacks to our services we even willingly paying taxes for in the first place, does she need, more. I think not!. We the People ask to see Gods Signature on this Planets Deed of ownership!, because we the people know it doesnt exist!, we might be dumb asss =s not perfect, but we are not stupid, Humanity is watching yous!. Research what Iceland did to this group, and Egypt, and Syria dont want them, thats why the Brotherhood of Satan is after them. Calling on all! DNAs of this Planet to Help with this Evil! being done to this Planet! if you care, its time to Unite! Now!, even you!, underground, yous need this air to. We dont care what you look like, we all have to get along now, and share this Planet!, its a must. Humanity needs to stop being babied, its sickening. Taxation is Fraud, to take from you, to give to another, is Fraud by force of threatening Jail time is Fraud by bad government systems. When the People get rid of bad fake government systems world wide, when the People run our own banking system again, it will be a lot different. This new Bank will be called We the Peoples Banking Every month from this Bank, $2000.00 monthly to everyone for basic needs like shelter, heat, hydro, and Gods Healthy Food, world wide you all will get this, but right now your help is needed to achieve our freedom to do this. Based on Earths Equity of everything!. Wages when you work is a part of Earths Equity!, things that are created are to, ect.. ext.. ext.. Research the other videos below on the right hand side and learn a ton more. rt/usa/washington-lawsuit-gmo-label-288/ Replacing Gods seeds that are great for us, and then replacing Gods seeds with Satans seeds, are a really bad idea guys. We the People never Elected them in, and if Stephen Harper can not do his job with out these ones helping him, then we elected the wrong guy!, period. They make the Laws, they break!. Theft over $5000.00 is a Prison term, guilty as charged by the People!. We the People! want Arrest! now. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=561406277270346&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 When smoking, Marijuana, it only releases the good endorphins in the brain that a good old fashion orgasm gives you for 5 minutes, but for just two hours Marijuana gives you, so why dont anyone!, do the research for them two hours, on the ones that are normally violent all the time, but that are not!, when they do Marijuana, bigger picture. Research why its always! been legal, up until the ones took over your government system. Its in your Bible to use.! Research is needed. Research our patient laws to create a drug, two or more ingredients to create a so called drug, I say this, because we most to this in our kitchens when we cook. We do not consent with bully bad Evil governments, that break the law them selfs with the senate members of theft over $5000.00 is Fraud and big time Prison time for all!. Bondservant Edward-Jay Robin Genesis 1:29 Psalms 104:14 and Romans 11:29 is your licence bro! The Queen swore to defend it! Will you? Deuteronomy 4:2 12:32 speaks to their fraud..Leviticus 6:2-5 provides remedy..Matthew 5:25 18:15-20 describes how to effect that remedy... Bondservant Edward-Jay Robin imagine turning their scriptures on them! You are not a person! Deuteronomy 1:17 10:17 Matthew 22:16 Acts 10:34 Romans 2:11 and James 2:9 in the King James version forbid associating with or respecting persons...dead in law fictions...Persons are players wearing masks on a stage,,, Bondservant Edward-Jay Robin Their whole jurisdiction game is only applicable upon persons! https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151918572319604&set=a.254001904603.137599.5823419603&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf Shale gas protesters and RCMP trying to enforce an injunction are clashing in Rexton, N.B., with the violence including two police vehicles that have been set on fire, and a report of the arrest of a First Nations chief. The clashes started at about 1 p.m. AT Thursday after police fired pepper spray at the protesters, who were trying to push through the police line. (Photo: Michèle Brideau/Radio-Canada) Fracking Video. All because Stephen Harper has been allowing Fracking here in Canada, so soon you will be able to take your lighter, over to your tap water, and light it on fire!. And it will kill you if you drink it. Still want to feed it to your loved ones you say you love. Then make a stand, and lets Help Natives out. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151896370048459&set=a.410243778458.189813.6499393458&type=1&relevant_count=1 If it wasnt true, then she would have just been allowed to keep her opinion, bigger picture guys. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=561779563899684&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151887694263459&set=a.410243778458.189813.6499393458&type=1&relevant_count=1 People are starting to wake up nicely, be more forgiving more God like. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151762253113842&set=a.164527493841.118396.147823328841&type=1&relevant_count=1 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151896899598459&set=a.410243778458.189813.6499393458&type=1&relevant_count=1 collective-evolution/2013/09/10/thousands-of-genetically-modified-insects-are-set-for-release/ Tax money with Evil Bad government. Research is needed!. Bad! government, always will lie to you. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=561382577272716&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 Like the Bible says, you cannot buy or sell anything, unless you have sold, your soul to the Devil.! Adrian Peirson Bohemian grove, Skull and bones ? the lady is correct. Stephen Harper is a big time member of this, and has been seen at the meetings. Be forewarned!. They are taught Satans tongue.! Guilty as charged!. JESUS CHRIST! HELP THIS PLANET PLEASE!, AND HELP THE SOULS! THAT LIVE HERE! TO WAKE UP ABRUPTLY TO HER NEEDS OF SURVIVAL AND TO THEIR OWN. thestateweekly/parents-outraged-over-school-districts-common-core-questions-religion-assault-rifles-and-more/ https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=439014582870448&set=a.414246358680604.1073741828.414125905359316&type=1&relevant_count=1 You know how many years he has been talking about this same free trade, research what it really means with this Elite Hitlers membership and there New World Order scam for you, and this will make you sick to your stomach, for real guys. He can run!, but he cant hide for much longer about the tons of questions Humanity has waiting for him about most of his Senate members Corruption of Fraud over $5000.00 Dollars and there Prison term sentence! that is long, over due now. Tell the rest of them, that if they come forwards now with the truth of there real agenda and all of what they were told to say and do, youll start to see a much bigger picture come into focus. And if they do, they will not serve any time if they come forth with this information to the People. Be forewarned though, we will not wait long. youtube/attribution_link?a=a9AvAec4Pn6AQ5q7UCV2XA&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DU_Gi6cf-jiI%26feature%3Dshare Elite Bill Gates Fathers ideas of this Population Reduction of Humanity of 95% of us. Notice the pixels just on his skin only, if you were to take a close up video of his face, and slow it down by 55%, you will see his Demon!, for real!. Owner and creator of Microsoft!, be forewarned. These special Demonic Demons are called Human Reptilians, research is needed!. Could you imagine Humanity changing the currency on them, and leaving them more broke than us, comes to mind. Bigger picture yet to come!. Hint hint. youtube/watch?v=uznZEMeV7uA&feature=share&list=PLQv2hQoEi4Tw-TeJl0DztcIgU7oEvxlG5 bloomberg/news/2013-10-13/big-banks-can-be-dismantled-say-u-s-and-u-k-regulators.html https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ojS4zGDc4JI rt/news/gchq-surveillance-eu-court-743/ youtube/watch?v=iQFFK20wOD0&feature=share Its time now Humanity to follow suit. youtube/attribution_link?u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DDlpeIrnKXG8%26feature%3Dshare&a=7LTc1ZerS5VRQ_z2DVAUJw As the new session of parliament reopens, Gov. Gen. David Johnston gets ready to deliver his speech from the throne, which is expected to focus on jobs and the economy. Watch the reading from the Senate chamber LIVE HERE: Get reaction from opposition parties LIVE as it happens: Read the full update HERE: https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=523267861081427&set=a.140461122695438.35463.134756069932610&type=1&relevant_count=1 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=489402704490285&set=a.289334674497090.58214.287532461343978&type=1&relevant_count=1 And when there is one, We the People will be coming after these ones first. Bigger picture.! We the People call upon you Jesus Christ to cleanse this planet of all! Demon possession of any and all! Souls on this Planet!. Thank you Jesus Christ!. The Gods are not going to help you, if you dont think that there is anything problems. And if you are still struggling with not knowing who Jesus Christ is, then I suggest you say these words to get to get down to the truth of things to be!, in your future, Say out loud, Jesus Christ Help me Please!. Do it as an experiment for yourself, if you really dont believe. Youll see, youll wake up. And I would not!, lead you into harms way. Theres enough Demonic truth out here, for one to stay blinded to it all. youtube/attribution_link?u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DiFDe5kUUyT0%26feature%3Dshare&a=3XAv4va6NudTwn_fFQv64A youtube/watch?v=WIRiwzP7Opo https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=560921617318812&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 rt/news/canadian-fracking-protest-erupts-violence-333/ The only Men in Canada with the Real Balls to try and save our Planet from bad fake government that sold out to the Devil Satan and his system of evil doers thats going to bite even them on the ass with tons of different reasons, and they know it to. Thank you! Soul Brothers and Sisters, lets Hope! this wakes up all DNAS on this Planet!. rt/news/snowden-russia-china-documents-332/ https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=562027083874932&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=561135560630751&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=562029930541314&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=561382770606030&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 thewildernessofmirrors.wordpress/2013/09/13/55-miles-long-4-lanes-wide-no-wonder-the-news-is-silent-on-this-revolution/ Debt deals done, but is it just furthering our debt addiction? Whats your take on my The Washington Times column? Scams go on... because no one researches the real truth. The truth is Peoples taxes are way... more then enough to pay all the bills, and then have tons to steal for the Elite and the bad Jewish (Elite Hitler) Elite German Banksters that changed their names from Germany to Jewish, and bailouts to the Cult memberships...... bigger picture of the truth!. Like for instance, Stephen Harper just say that he gives annually 20 Billion all the time to ELITE QUEEN OF ENGLAND, do you see a bigger picture. Stephen Harper said he warned the Queen not to do with that country, or he was going to stop giving her this money annual, it was on CBC NEWS or the National, I think last week. Check it out. So one has to ask themselves, why all the cutbacks to our services we even willingly paying taxes for in the first place, does she need, more. I think not!. We the People ask to see Gods Signature on this Planets Deed of ownership!, because we the people know it doesnt exist!, we might be dumb asss =s not perfect, but we are not stupid, Humanity is watching yous!. Research what Iceland did to this group, and Egypt, and Syria dont want them, thats why the Brotherhood of Satan is after them. Calling on all! DNAs of this Planet to Help with this Evil! being done to this Planet! if you care, its time to Unite! Now!, even you!, underground, yous need this air to. We dont care what you look like, we all have to get along now, and share this Planet!, its a must. Humanity needs to stop being babied, its sickening. Taxation is Fraud, to take from you, to give to another, is Fraud by force of threatening Jail time is Fraud by bad government systems. When the People get rid of bad fake government systems world wide, when the People run our own banking system again, it will be a lot different. This new Bank will be called We the Peoples Banking Every month from this Bank, $2000.00 monthly to everyone for basic needs like shelter, heat, hydro, and Gods Healthy Food, world wide you all will get this, but right now your help is needed to achieve our freedom to do this. Based on Earths Equity of everything!. Wages when you work is a part of Earths Equity!, things that are created are to, ect.. ext.. ext.. Research the other videos below on the right hand side and learn a ton more. rt/usa/washington-lawsuit-gmo-label-288/ Replacing Gods seeds that are great for us, and then replacing Gods seeds with Satans seeds, are a really bad idea guys. We the People never Elected them in, and if Stephen Harper can not do his job with out these ones helping him, then we elected the wrong guy!, period. They make the Laws, they break!. Theft over $5000.00 is a Prison term, guilty as charged by the People!. We the People! want Arrest! now. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=561406277270346&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 When smoking, Marijuana, it only releases the good endorphins in the brain that a good old fashion orgasm gives you for 5 minutes, but for just two hours Marijuana gives you, so why dont anyone!, do the research for them two hours, on the ones that are normally violent all the time, but that are not!, when they do Marijuana, bigger picture. Research why its always! been legal, up until the ones took over your government system. Its in your Bible to use.! Research is needed. Research our patient laws to create a drug, two or more ingredients to create a so called drug, I say this, because we most to this in our kitchens when we cook. We do not consent with bully bad Evil governments, that break the law them selfs with the senate members of theft over $5000.00 is Fraud and big time Prison time for all!. Bondservant Edward-Jay Robin Genesis 1:29 Psalms 104:14 and Romans 11:29 is your licence bro! The Queen swore to defend it! Will you? Deuteronomy 4:2 12:32 speaks to their fraud..Leviticus 6:2-5 provides remedy..Matthew 5:25 18:15-20 describes how to effect that remedy... Bondservant Edward-Jay Robin imagine turning their scriptures on them! You are not a person! Deuteronomy 1:17 10:17 Matthew 22:16 Acts 10:34 Romans 2:11 and James 2:9 in the King James version forbid associating with or respecting persons...dead in law fictions...Persons are players wearing masks on a stage,,, Bondservant Edward-Jay Robin Their whole jurisdiction game is only applicable upon persons! https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151918572319604&set=a.254001904603.137599.5823419603&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf Shale gas protesters and RCMP trying to enforce an injunction are clashing in Rexton, N.B., with the violence including two police vehicles that have been set on fire, and a report of the arrest of a First Nations chief. The clashes started at about 1 p.m. AT Thursday after police fired pepper spray at the protesters, who were trying to push through the police line. (Photo: Michèle Brideau/Radio-Canada) Fracking Video. All because Stephen Harper has been allowing Fracking here in Canada, so soon you will be able to take your lighter, over to your tap water, and light it on fire!. And it will kill you if you drink it. Still want to feed it to your loved ones you say you love. Then make a stand, and lets Help Natives out. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151896370048459&set=a.410243778458.189813.6499393458&type=1&relevant_count=1 If it wasnt true, then she would have just been allowed to keep her opinion, bigger picture guys. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=561779563899684&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151887694263459&set=a.410243778458.189813.6499393458&type=1&relevant_count=1 People are starting to wake up nicely, be more forgiving more God like. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151762253113842&set=a.164527493841.118396.147823328841&type=1&relevant_count=1 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151896899598459&set=a.410243778458.189813.6499393458&type=1&relevant_count=1 collective-evolution/2013/09/10/thousands-of-genetically-modified-insects-are-set-for-release/ Tax money with Evil Bad government. Research is needed!. Bad! government, always will lie to you. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=561382577272716&set=a.242514035826240.59090.115534755190836&type=1&relevant_count=1 Like the Bible says, you cannot buy or sell anything, unless you have sold, your soul to the Devil.! Adrian Peirson Bohemian grove, Skull and bones ? the lady is correct. Stephen Harper is a big time member of this, and has been seen at the meetings. Be forewarned!. They are taught Satans tongue.! Guilty as charged!. JESUS CHRIST! HELP THIS PLANET PLEASE!, AND HELP THE SOULS! THAT LIVE HERE! TO WAKE UP ABRUPTLY TO HER NEEDS OF SURVIVAL AND TO THEIR OWN. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=172756726252307&set=gm.611614242218682&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf Linda Says Hello When the People fell asleep, evil snook under our sheets, and took over our government system, and now there is action needed by us to fix! this problem. We need an incorruptible system. Jacob Wallick 1) what makes everyone so inclined to think the government system was taken over, rather than theirs from the start? (or at least before the US existed) 2) incorruptible system? how do you suppose to accomplish that when people are involved? Linda Says Hello Satans short time to rule, yes. But there agenda got a lot worse around Elite Hitlers Error, bigger picture. if you know what I mean. Linda Says Hello The People ran here to this part of the world, to get away from the Elites Hitler, Queen of England bigger picture yes. Linda Says Hello God told me!, wake my People up!. In that car accident when I was 9, my left leg at the hip was rip off my body. I was pronounced dead three times. But I only remember once going up a black tunnel with a beautiful white light. I was only part way up, when God said, my work was not done. Ive been sent back to wake Gods People up. Not to take away your free will or anything. Bigger picture!. Linda Says Hello It doesnt matter if you dont believe in Satan the Devil Lucifer. But it should concern you, that your bad government does!. And all of Satans Elite Bloodline does believe in Satan the Devil Lucifer to. The fallen Angels mated with a lot of other DNAs, not just Humanitys. 90% of the People believe in our Bible, Im just one of them. But, if I didnt swear Id think Satans real slaves that Sold their Soul to him, wrote it, or why would Satan be playing out that Bible all the way to the end of it. Theres still something up with that, I cant pinpoint it yet. Bigger picture if you know what I mean. An incorruptible system, like instead of Satans government system now, we would replace it with a voting bulletin board web site, where People could go on there anytime, and vote or post laws they want implemented, and just hire one person to implement what the People really want. So if there is not a 51% majority out of the 100% voting People on any one given vote, then its not! a majority vote for that, how cool, A. The Peoples Laws, could be voted out at any! time, if these individual laws dont work for the People, if the majority dont want a! law, or they dont like a law, then vote a law out. How cool, A.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 23:03:34 +0000

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