I know I have shared this song before, but - TopicsExpress

   I know I have shared this song before, but this video is a bit different. I know there are lots of women out there from age 12 to age 80 who struggle daily to fit this image of a beautiful woman. Society has convinced you that you arent skinny enough, you arent curvy enough, you arent good enough... I want to tell you something. Society can only define you if you let it. And God says you are perfect just the way you are. He says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Created by God to be just what you are. The world may tell you that you arent enough, God says you need nothing more! No matter where you have been, no matter where you think or fear you are heading, no matter what has happened in the past, God is still there, arms stretched out wide, waiting to take you in His arms and comfort you, waiting to hold you and let you know that its going to be ok! Youve made mistakes; we all have! You have regrets; who doesnt! Your past is more than you can bear; dont bear it alone! God loves you! No matter the mistakes of your past, no matter the regrets and burdens you carry! He loves you so much that He came here to, among so many other things, liberate you from your bondage to the burdens that society want to place on you. Jesus said, Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden ... ... and I will give you rest! Jesus is saying stop trying to be who you arent. Stop trying to change for them. Stop trying to be better and come to me. I love you just the way you are. You dont need to be prettier, skinnier, curvier, ... ... better! And no matter what has happened, no matter what you have done or what has been done to you, Jesus still says come! He is what you need most and He wants you just the way you are. Go to him for rest! Go to him for comfort! Society wants you to change! Jesus just wants you! Gonna tag few people in this; not for any reason in particular, just because I love you! To: Rhonda K Weber, Melissa Scott, Cody-Lindsey Neal, Kenedie Ayrian Carter, Allie Weber, Kara Baker, Amber Weber, Aurora Smith, Aurora Elyse Smith, Annabelle Smith, Debbie Weber, Matt-Cara Smithson, Rita Bronson Stoner, Heather Arrowood, April Cawein Abide, Tina Cawein Pfeifer, Lori Woody, Randee Kay Mizaur, Mallory Paige, Kortlin Cunningham, Melinda Crowe, Melindaa Adams, Karen Rackley, Angela Middleton, Brandi Lynn Everette, Brandi Blades, Lizza George, Abbey Stokes, NicoleRyan Kaufmann, Ashley Nicole, April Farris, Carol Geibe Spears, Shelley Price Johnson, Kim Crawford Olson, Gretchen Kirkendoll Hunt, Cheyenne Lambert Lott, Kelly McGilton, Alana Klober, Becky Costes Vestal, Rhiannion Davis, Ashley Rector, Ashley Bradley, Nikki Phillips, Wendy Jo White, Vickie Dorn Neal, Letha Phillips, Ciara Harris, Misty Cullum Flurry, Misty Brock, Vicki George, Terry Aynes Thone, Stephanie Thomas, Sydney Thomas, Shannon Cunningham, Tammy Gentry, Renea Hodge Hellmer, Brittany Thomas, Allie Evans, Jessie Whitten, Tara Miller, Haley Brooke Kirk, Anita Witt, Tiffany Bradley, TIffanie Ward, Nikki Mitchell, Nicole Phillips, Nikki Moody, Codi Bartlett, AlleaBelle Gongola, Ashley Paxton, Ashley Forrest Weaver, Courtney Steer, Courtney Alyssa Johnson, Dakota Hicks, MaKayla Crow, Lacey Butler I know there are many more who need to be tagged! So if I tagged you and you know someone else who might just need to hear these words, share this and tag them. I dont know that all of you are going through anything in particular, I just tagged a few of my friends who might need a word of encouragement. Many of yall are probably doing just fine, but a little encouragement never hurts. And maybe you know someone I dont who needs to hear this. Love you all! God bless you and have a great day. Good morning Facebook! How can I pray with you today?
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 12:36:48 +0000

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