I will be here until Monday it seems and not - TopicsExpress

   I will be here until Monday it seems and not one a standing balcony but with my heart in the skies above flying waiting to come back down to whatever floor balcony for moments to share with your heart for me being for the taking because for your heart and your love was set in Gods plan to do so and I am not just writing for my space in my thoughts but I am writing to let you know for when I wake everyday if I sleep at all shall I not even dream because you being so real for my heart I would never want to lose in some dream with ever losing the chance to have your love for real always even when now we fly above the skies so every time we would have to come back down to these balconies we know where our hearts belong for ever moment when we are together is not for any balcony for how long we have waited on balconies shall we be so needing a single moment on some balcony in our hearts, But I raise my hand as I listen to this song and it plays right now for it is where I am on a balcony yet as you are not on the same but when each day wakes with the sunrise know this of my heart, I am with you sleep or not with no dreams do I even want for I am just going to do what I hear your heart speak to me for the best that I can without failing your heart either because your love is not to be places or having on hold on some balcony ever again and if I have this chance which it looks like I may,,then show your heart where we fly together everywhere will we only forget about every balcony ever set for us for we will always just want to fly and share our hearts the way you had it in your heart to fly by sharing your love with me, I may be stumbling with my words because my heart is flying through the skies n clouds without you holding my hand so as you read this and I know your reading it for not the world to see I do not care for any of other to see this but I raise my hand knowing your gonna grab me and say yes so following through with what your heart showed me to do I will and make the plans the best way I can as you made possible for me to get to where your heart is on the balconies where your at now, I want you since I cant be there with you as soon as now when I want,I want you to have a beautiful New Years Eve wherever you choose to be then and have wonderful time being happy because I have seen your smile and it more then lights up the world and night skies, Heaven above see how beautiful your heart is when you smile so me not being on your balcony at your home is not so great for me but I had to go through all of this and be fully clear and ready to get to your balcony and ten as you take my hand to smile so beautiful as you do to just take flight right then and there for a lifes journey that I never could dream about nor ever have the thought to be so true until you showed me that keeping your smile and holding your hand when we fly away would be breaking my own heart to only have kept that as a dream.~~~~My New Years love and letter from my heart to yours because I can not make it to your balcony where my heart is leading me to be and where I belong at this very moment, but I will call for the numbers and what you made available to me so I can get there before you have any chance to leave for any other balcony without me in your arms.. 2015 where my heart you shall from the start of will be in your hands but a broken or hurt heart you will not be holding,,It will be the heart you saw that is true and not broken because love is true where if you try to ever hide to say it is not as many did, your eyes will always tell me different of love being so true every time I look into them from however far away you would be.. I NEED A HAIR CUT AND TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS TO GET THERE TO HAVE ONE, I will do these things to call who I saw to call before weeks end and however fast they are to say it is o.k. for me to be there with ways to get there will be me standing on maybe the last balcony we ever will have to know or stand without each other ever again because we will be flying to places we need no machine or so anything else to take us to. COLOR Salon @ColorSalonLV .... I hope this place can chop up a Soldiers hair because I dont even care how it may turn out, I just wanna see where my balcony is after my new hair cut I get and I do not need the royal treatment if I end up on the balcony to the lady,a strong woman,an angel,and the Queen who loves me truly before or even so after my hair cut.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:10:50 +0000

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