我是崑崙泓師今天要談 母娘道 - TopicsExpress

   我是崑崙泓師今天要談 母娘道 Master Hozn Kunlun talks about Mu Niang Tao 首先談尊神 First talk about respecting Gods 要尊敬上帝,阿拉真神,佛祖,道祖以及任何神靈 To respect God, Allah, Buddha, Taoist gods as well as any gods!!! 要敬拜諸天神佛 To worship the heavens gods. 一母多神的母娘道 Mother with so many gods is Mu Niang Tao 其次談敬人,要懂得做人的道理 Second, talk about respect for others, to know the truth of human. 修道不能貢高我慢 Tao practice can not be proud. 尊重別人的修行方法.這就是尊神敬人 Respect other people’s religious practices. That is to respect God and human. 菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非台 The Bodhi tree wasn’t at all a tree from the first . The clean and clear mirror on the stand wasn’t originally there either. 開悟的心情,固然好 Enlightened mood, of course is good 時時勤拂拭,莫使惹塵埃。 Forever polishing it I will be, To never let it be dusted and vain. 時時反省比開悟還重要 Always reflect is more important than enlightenment 行住坐臥不要招惹沒必要的麻煩 Inner and outer living, Do not provoke unnecessary trouble 要清修,趨吉避凶 To meditation,prefer lucky,avoid fierce 慈,德,善,修 Mercy,Moral,Goodness,Reflection 慈悲的心,道德的作為 Compassion, morality 功利主義的社會背棄了道德 Utilitarian society abandoned the moral 用良善的心,走修持的路線 With a good heart, and take spiritual practice. 在五濁惡世要內修身心靈,外修財(錢財)官(事業)印(生活) In evil world, inner practice body,mind,spirit, outer practice money,business,living 明天沒有飯吃,卻不想面對難題 Tomorrow will be no food, but do not face challenges. 先吃飽肚子,再拜佛祖 First full stomach, and then worship Buddha. 在古代,吃素是好事 In ancient times,vegetarian is good. 化學農藥促使吃素食變得不健康 Chemical pesticides promote a vegetarian diet becomes unhealthy 吃素是慈悲,肉食是方便的 Vegetarian is compassionate,Meat is convenient 健康的食物為主,肉食與素食彼此互相尊重 Based on healthy foods, meat and vegetarian respect each other 尊重個人的飲食習慣 Respect for the individual’s eating habits 母娘道從體悟天,地,人開始 Mu Niang Tao is to understand the heaven, earth, human 水泥叢林令人喪失靈性,擁抱大自然,接近地球的母親 Embrace nature, close to the Earth Mother. Concrete jungle makes human lose spirituality, 走入大自然,山林靜坐修行 Into the nature, forests Meditation 體驗復古收圓 Experience ancient style and make good 復古生態 Retro ecology 功利主義社會修圓人際關係, In utilitarian social,Rounding relationships, 改變自私自利的心態 To change the mentality of selfishness 復古生態,人際修圓 Retro ecology, interpersonal rounding 母娘道就是以慈悲來愛人類 Mu Niang Tao is to love humanity with compassion 感受靈魂母娘的存在,天命救世 Feel the soul presence of Queen Mother, destiny Salvation 使生活過得更好..美麗新世界 Make life better..Brave New World 母娘道歡迎諸位師兄師姐的加入 Welcome you all join the Mu Niang Tao 台灣崑崙山瑤池宮靈修聖地spirit shrine Doomsday Savior Psychic Master Hozn at Kunlun Yozu Palace in Taiwan. 崑崙泓師通靈請教 Taiwan Chiayi County Zhongpu Town Taiwan Chiayi County Zhongpu Town Zhonlun village 40-8. 嘉義縣中埔鄉中崙40-8號 台3線公路300.5公里右轉上山; Cell phone 泓師父 手機 886-937618850 E-mail akingate@hotmail akingate.wordpress/ The End 感謝您 歡迎發心建廟或助印母娘聖經 請ATM轉帳 銀行代碼:700【郵局】 帳號:0051008-1745371 或 郵政劃撥 30369259 陳泓仁 Beneficiary Bank : Citibank Taiwan LTD Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.., Swift Code: CITITWTX ADD:No.35,Chuiyang Rd,East Dist., Chiayi City 600,Taiwan R.O.C Beneficiary Name : Chen Horng Ren Beneficiary Account No :9150707373 Beneficiary Telephone No : 886937618850
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 11:20:22 +0000

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